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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DR Legend -- Line of "classic" hockey equipment

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I have 5 pair coming in with our booking order. They are changing the plastic inserts and putting them in the middle of the foam in the fingers so they don't rip through the leather.

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I cant wait to see those gloves in person in a couple weeks when my DR rep comes to town. They'd look so sweet after they broke in.

you work at the hockey stop in columbus area??? if so, ill see ya on the 21st!

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Now, Bryan, if you don't show we are gonna call you out... :)

funny part is the day i was flying to arizona before vegas, my sales mgr calls me and says, aren't you flying today... yes i tell him... well you might want to call the owner of the hockey stop, he told me in toronto, that you are coming to see him today(this was tuesday jan, 25). talked to the guy today, he says, sorry, i probably was just rambling... so we now have our appt for the 21st.

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yep, the 21st...I'll be waiting at 11am for ya

make sure you got a big bowl for the drool caused by anticipation of a beautiful series of equipment... cuz i won't be there til noon.... hahaha, see ya then though.

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I need those shoulder pads for next year.

What level do you play at? I'd only use those shoulder pads in a no-checking league.

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I need those shoulder pads for next year.

What level do you play at? I'd only use those shoulder pads in a no-checking league.

i actually wont be supprised if i sell that pad to midget, high school, and college players. guys that are looking for something small to wear. look at what some pro's wear!

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