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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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my jaw hurts should i c a doc

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Ok at my last roller hockey game someone fell down right infront of me and I fell over them and landed on my face and my chin pad jammed into my jaw and now it hurts really bad when I talk and chew food. Should i see a doctor?

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When did it happen? If it was today or yesterday, I'd wait another day or two. I know that for me personally, whenever I get hurt, I always think its really bad, and then after a couple days it gets fine.

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A similar thing happened to me in Midgets. I got hit in the side of the head and my mouth was open, I think I was yelling at the time. I got blasted pretty good, and for a couple days I couldn't close my mouth all the way (eating lunch after the game was an adventure). It went away after a couple days.

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If it's swollen you may want to see a Doctor. If not, I'd wait a couple more days...if the level of pain hasn't changed, I'd go see a Doc for sure.

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Sorry to steal your topic here, But I got this thing when ever i open my mouth up all the way or close it, my jaw clicks right below my ear allmost. It also sort of pops sometimes to in that spot, I think its that disorder that somone mentioned. Whats it called and Is there anything I can do to fix it?

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Sorry to steal your topic here, But I got this thing when ever i open my mouth up all the way or close it, my jaw clicks right below my ear allmost. It also sort of pops sometimes to in that spot, I think its that disorder that somone mentioned. Whats it called and Is there anything I can do to fix it?

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome

Very common. I have it too.

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Sorry to steal your topic here, But I got this thing when ever i open my mouth up all the way or close it, my jaw clicks right below my ear allmost. It also sort of pops sometimes to in that spot, I think its that disorder that somone mentioned. Whats it called and Is there anything I can do to fix it?

You have two choices, either live with it or have surgery where they have to break your jaw and then realign it. Personally, I'm living with it.

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Ok at my last roller hockey game someone fell down right infront of me and I fell over them and landed on my face and my chin pad jammed into my jaw and now it hurts really bad when I talk and chew food. Should i see a doctor?

where exactly does your jaw hurt when u move ur jaw. near the hinge joint? near the teeth? in the front? does it hurt equally when u open it or close it or side to side? is it more painful in one of those motions? put ur hands on the sides of ur head and try to localize the pain.


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Sorry to steal your topic here, But I got  this thing when ever i open my mouth up all the way or close it, my jaw clicks right below my ear allmost. It also sort of pops sometimes to in that spot, I think its that disorder that somone mentioned. Whats it called and Is there anything I can do to fix it?

ur mandible popping out of the TMJ when u open your mouth and back in when u close it is anatomically completely normal. it shouldnt really cause pain tho, maybe a bit of discomfort.


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My GF's jaw started doing that right after she had her bottom Wisdom Teeth pulled....mine has done that for a while...and I've never had wisdom teeth pulled. No pain...just lots of clicking.

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OK guys picture this.. a 700 pound kid (lets go wings) falling over a little kid and landing on his face.. then he lays on the rink and starts to cry. it was the funniest thing i had ever seen!!!

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john your just mad cuz its my first year of roller hockey and in my first game i scored 2 goals. The only reason your so good is becuase your so smalll you skate between everyones legs.

PS I DIDNT CRY lol i was laughin so were all the parents, the ref, and both teams. lol

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john your just mad cuz its my first year of roller hockey and in my first game i scored 2 goals. The only reason your so good is becuase your so smalll you skate between everyones legs.

PS I DIDNT CRY lol i was laughin so were all the parents, the ref, and both teams. lol


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