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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just got the XXX gloves

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I just got my Vapor XXX gloves from Great Skate a few hours ago...Although I am a little confused. For those of you that have the Hockey News magazine that has the 2005 equipment preview, on page HP18 the palms on the gloves are beigish tannish and have alot of stitch lines all througout the palm. My gloves are a gray and dont have all those stitch lines except one that curves around the thumb. Anyone have any explanation for this? and for those of you that want pictures...sorry i dont have access to a digital camera or anything like that.

And by the way....the gloves are AMAZING. They feel very protective....and are incredibly flexible. The cuffs seems extra wide so theres extra room to move my wrists. Love the palms....some doubts about how theyll hold up but i think theyll manage fine. And yes they came with extra palms

Glad to answer any q's

PS- on the cuff where pros usually have their name labeled...it says prostock. Is this whats labeled on all of them?


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What do you like about those palms?

Previous Thread on the Vapor XXX Palms

I have the Vapor XXX gloves also and I love them. Although I cannot play as much as I wish, they seem to be holding up. There is some chewing from the tape but no holes yet. I like the Spandura/Nylon and how stretchy it is, but the weight didnt feel that different to me than my old TPS HGT's.

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i have had mine for a while now and i love them. only problem the piece of material that holds the palm to the side of the glove is getting loose because the stiching is coming out. (in between the thumb and index)

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Have them, love them, grey palms,  my pair also says pro stock on the cuff.

same, same and all of them say prostock on the cuff

Same here. No problems with the gloves at all.

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Have them, love them, grey palms,  my pair also says pro stock on the cuff.

same, same and all of them say prostock on the cuff

I just recently got a pir of Vapor XXX gloves and they say PRO MODEL on the cuff. Its weird, I work at a store and every pair we have in stock says PRO STOCK. Other than that the gloves are awesome. They are holding up real good and the feel of the palms is unreal.

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