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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XN10 is retail correct?

I believe so. I got this email too. If anyone wants the email forwarded to them, PM me with your email and I'll fire one up for you.

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XN10 is retail correct?

If you click on the link and then on the XN10 pic is seems only Brendls are left.

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The prices are in USD. The XN10s are only available in the brendl pattern. The last time I checked, they had only Roenick Pros and a retail Sakic clone for the synergies. I only looked at the RH rack so I not sure what they have available in the LH. The RPs are around 100/110 flex and the Sakic clones are around an 85 flex.

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rh had a whole bunch

from marchment si cores to other synergies/ ones with just black bars

its been there in stores for a while, and all the sweet curved ones have been sold.

they had reg synergies fisher, curve between sakic and drury, 85-95 flex for 150 cdn

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Me and my bud (LengJei) got 1 each. They said the deal is only for american residents online, but my friends whining finally came in handy for once. We got them for 129 CAD each. THey initially said no, then said 169 and then finally 129 and so we got them. I personally prefer this stick over my stealth, but maybe thats just me.

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i just called looking for a sakic clone pro stock, and they said the closet they have is a dave poulin, he said its a cross between a sakic and drury, anybody know anything else about this pattern?

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Me and my bud (LengJei) got 1 each. They said the deal is only for american residents online, but my friends whining finally came in handy for once. We got them for 129 CAD each. THey initially said no, then said 169 and then finally 129 and so we got them. I personally prefer this stick over my stealth, but maybe thats just me.

Yeah my friend just went in today and they were only on sale for $250 so he bought a stealth.

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I didnt pick up any sticks my friend just broke his 2nd xn10 in about 2 months so he was looking to replace it but they wouldn't give him the sale price. He picked up a stealth.

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The salesdude was questioning my friend on how he heard about those prices since they are only supposed to be for Americans or something on their mailing list. Needless to say I owe the people in this thread a big thanks!

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