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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xxx OPS

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Have jsut completed 2 games with teh Vapor 30 OPS. I like teh weight. I chose it over a Stealth(not a difficult decision) , INNO, and XN10.

Weight seems perfect for me and the balance is excellant.

Blade feels responsive and has feel to it and the shaft has enough grip to not be too sticky.

I hope the durability is not an issue. Actually took a few good stick checks and still found only minor scratches. Lets hope she dont crack up on me!

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Had the blade stepped on last night while poke checking...so we will see what happens now... lots of clear taken off....

Also, Had to pop off the butt end and let all the glue chunks out as they came loose from the butt.. after 2 games.

seriously like the stick now... suddenly able to find low far side on rushes now from inside the blue...

weight seems just about perfect....

need to either get a second or consider the true 1 or xn10

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I liked mine a lot, but after two games it snapped just before the blade.

You can still cut it and use it as a shaft, right?

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