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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Underlined Stuff?

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I don't know if I just have issues or sumthing but i'm noticing a lot more words on the site are underlined in like a goldish color, some of the words that am seeing aren't even related to the topic so it makews no sense for them to be underlined.Is anyone else seeing this?

P.S. i didn't search or anything either

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Ad-aware and spybot both stink now. The only one that will remove all spyware and browser hijackers (that I have found) is Webroot SpySweeper. They gave me an old computer in my office that was loaded with spyware and neither SpyBot nor Ad-aware got rid of jack s&*t but spysweeper removed it all. Like 20-30 different things it found and not just cookies. Only problem is it's demoware... which reminds me. Who wants to help me develop some type of malicious computer problem that will effect nearly 90% of the world's computers? I figure once it starts rooting itself we'll release some software to fix it and give if away for free. Until it reaches epidemic proportions of course, then we'll start charging.

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Ad-aware and spybot both stink now. The only one that will remove all spyware and browser hijackers (that I have found) is Webroot SpySweeper. They gave me an old computer in my office that was loaded with spyware and neither SpyBot nor Ad-aware got rid of jack s&*t but spysweeper removed it all. Like 20-30 different things it found and not just cookies. Only problem is it's demoware... which reminds me. Who wants to help me develop some type of malicious computer problem that will effect nearly 90% of the world's computers? I figure once it starts rooting itself we'll release some software to fix it and give if away for free. Until it reaches epidemic proportions of course, then we'll start charging.

It wouldnt really surprise me if norton does that... I hate that program

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Eww Spyware...shivers shoulders. My dads computer got hijacked and he used adware and search and destroy. He also had to get this program called Remove About Blank because every time he opened the internet that would be the homepage.

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