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helmet cages

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I need to buy a cage for my bauer H4000L helmet. ( too many stitches to the face this season)!!!! I need to hear some input on recommended brands, best visibility and durability. Thanks !

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My favorite is the Jofa/CCM 480 cage. Looks cool and has big eye holes so you can see pretty well. The new Itech cages look decent also. The Bauer 8000 cage has a really nice chin cup if you're looking at comfort.

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oh yeah i have a 5000 L and use a itech reb III M cage fits good but remember that the cages have sizes too depending on how long you face is

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I like Itech cages. Itech probably has the best variety to choose from anyway. Anyway, I have the black one myself and it's holding up pretty well. You could also try a full visor or combo if you don't like having a cage in your face. Perhaps even try the new Itech cage that's white on the inside but black on the outside.

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The new Itech I2 has the white on the inside / black on the ouside. Definately is best for peripheral vision and reaction time. It is also has a new shape which is very similar to the Jofa style. You get the best of both worlds. This year I saw at the hockey show that Itech is putting the black/white combo on their other masks as well.

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Another good cage by Jofa that is unfortunately discontinued is the "bubble" cage, you can find them on Ebay (just type in "Jofa Bubble") and they seem to be pretty popular as they get alot of bids and can get pretty expensive if they're in good condition. The model numbers would be 51-270 or 51-275 (I believe the 270 is a senior and the 275 a junior size, am I right?)

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The new Itech I2 has the white on the inside / black on the ouside. Definately is best for peripheral vision and reaction time. It is also has a new shape which is very similar to the Jofa style. You get the best of both worlds. This year I saw at the hockey show that Itech is putting the black/white combo on their other masks as well.

They've been pretty popular here.

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I've had the RBE VIII I2 cage for about 3 weeks now and it's pretty good. I've always worn half visors so I have nothing to compare it to but the visibility issue of a visor-to-cage transition goes away after a while. I would definately recommend this cage. As the others have said, the wire spacing is very similar to that of the Jofa 480 cages. They're just as expensive (if not cheaper) than other cages so the added feature of the white on the inside/black on the outside is quite a major bonus.

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I like the old Cooper cages that Irbe and Hasek wear (I have no idea who makes them now, but maybe they just special order them).

Great protection (I don't like the free floating chin idea) and the eyelets are perfectly lined up (for me, at least).

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I'm using a chrome CCM 480 and I like it. It's much lighter and has more visibility than my old itech cage.

The only drawback is, during faceoffs (defense), when I'm looking at the ice, there's a bar directly in my line of sight to the puck. :ph34r:

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The Joffa and new Itech RBE VIII i2 are the same shape. The difference is that the Itech has white on the inside and black on the outside of the cage. There's no comparison, the Itech is the easiest to see through.

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