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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bwahahahhaha oh man that was one of the funniest descriptions i've read in awhile. Poor guy is clueless. "I wonder if the other half of the stick is on ebay also??" lolol

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If i didn't feel bad for the guy already, i'd sell him my broken v120 shaft. How's this for a pitch:

Hey man i was at that game too! I was wondering who the lucky guy was who got the paddle. I thought maybe the janitor threw it out, but who would throw out such a priceless artifact?? After all, it's game-used, and it WAS a very physical game w/ a lot of fights, so the price must be even higher! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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If i didn't feel bad for the guy already, i'd sell him my broken v120 shaft. How's this for a pitch:

Hey man i was at that game too! I was wondering who the lucky guy was who got the paddle. I thought maybe the janitor threw it out, but who would throw out such a priceless artifact?? After all, it's game-used, and it WAS a very physical game w/ a lot of fights, so the price must be even higher! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dude, do it!

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That's really funny. I liked the warning. :D

But, please don't mess with the poster :lol: (it looks to be a girl or woman, from the nickname). She's pretty obviously new to hockey, and we don't want to associate hockey with humiliation for potentially new fans like her. Hockey needs to grow! :D

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it most definitely is a v120. and no i'm not gonna mess around, he/she already made enough of an ass of themself already. It'd be waaaaay too easy. Still funny as all hell though :D

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