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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm on sportscenter

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I did a telethon once when I was real young. Weird experiance for me, it was the first time I saw a midget and the first time I saw someone in a mascot suit without the head on. It was a pretty scarring day.

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Sorry for bringing back on old topic, but I was on FSN when I went to a tournament in Fargo, ND. They had a whole segment on our tourny. They showed me scoring. ;)

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I was on Fox Sports Net Detroit when they had some roller hockey tournament and I was named an All-American so they interviewed me, Bobby Ryan, Todd McIlrath, and Kevin DeVergilio just to name a few...

Funniest thing I've ever done in my life, but it was fun...

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I was on our local abc station... this was high school baseball though. Also think i was on another local station for golf at some point... no hockey yet though ;)

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I've been on the same station twice in the same week. I got interviewed in a Christmas tournament when I was in atom, then I was on again 2 days later pounding the glass by a fight at the Hamilton Bulldogs game.

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i was on local news about 8 years ago haha talking about what to do if a stranger come up to you. and i was in the background on the local news this year when some1 tryed to pick a girl up at her bus stop.

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I've been interviewed a couple times...

The first time I was stopped by some News Channel 4 dude outside HSBC Arena during the 2003 Frozen Four. My face was painted and I was all decked out in maize and blue, waiving a huge "GO BLUE" flag screaming at Goldie, who was riding down the street on a fire engine, when they stopped me for a quick interview.

Earlier this season my team was on a pretty good winning streak, and we had just gotten back from a tournament in Ohio that we won. I guess this caught a slight interest in the area, being that there is no NHL this season, so a local station decided to do a short piece on our season to that point. As captain/league leading scorer, I guess they figured I was just as good a guy to talk to as any, so they asked our starting goalie, a few of our defencemen and I a few questions each (most of them pretty stupid and obvious...). I wouldn't exactly consider it a crowning achievement.

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