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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Hex-1 Stick

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I was on the mission site a while ago and saw a preview of this new stick. Havent seen people talk about it on here but it sounds interesting on the mission site anyway.

anybody have any info on it?

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Yea I thought so...Liar! :blink:

You can buy them now, they just wont be shipped until March :blink:

Hell, JR or I or any of the other guys that run shops will take your money and ship you one in a month or so.

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its on the shelves ppl go check it out i am getting 2 i hope they ware worth the advertisement

Being as you are from the UK...you must have visited Amherst...:blink:

Nah, they haven't shipped yet

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Any idea when in March the online retailers will be getting them (early march, mid march, etc)? I am extremely excited about this new stick considering March is only about two weeks away.

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Any idea when in March the online retailers will be getting them (early march, mid march, etc)? I am extremely excited about this new stick considering March is only about two weeks away.

I'm sure most stores will mention when the stuff is in stock

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don't preorder your stuff, unless you're pretty much 100% positive the item is gonna be out of stock everywhere, which is extremely unlikely. they just want to bank your cash and collect interest on it till then

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