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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer vapor XXX stick

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i cant seem to find anyone with a r handed 77 flex vapor XXX stick...have these even come out yet? it says they make them on the bauer site....if anyone knows where i can pick one of these up please let me know....if anyone has 1 i will be up for a trade for a inter. sl grip that i have laying around the house.

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I don't know the answer to your question, but nobody seems to want to help you out, so I'll try. It'll most likely be out sometime in the spring with all the other new stuff, but I can't say for certain. I would just email bauer and find out for sure.

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This is pure speculation on my part, but I don't think that they'll be widely available. I just don't see every store stocking a 77 flex stick. I forsee it as a situation like the Drury curve for Easton sticks now: there is a market for them, but not a large enough one that forces every shop to carry them. I'd just imagine you'd have to search around a bit to find them.

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They had them at the skatezone in voorhees but almost all of the xxx's have been given out on warranty returns.

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Seth, has the SZ had them for a while? Becuase I dont remember ever seeing them in there, and i am in there a lot when i drop by for practice or a game...and just curious do you work there? cuz i know that theres a seth that works there...

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I do the action photography on weekends. They were there at the end of january when i bought mine. when i went to get the replacement this week all they had were pro flex, hossa.

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