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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Misson Woodies

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Does anyone miss these things? Justin why did you guys stop producing them? I though these were one of the greatest wood sticks I have ever had. Mine had blue on it in certain spots. I forgot the name, but they were so sweet.

And since were on the topic of Misson. Since they are the best roller hockey company why no abs baldes for the outdoor players? That doesn't make sense to me :unsure:

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Oh yeah your right, the last wood sticks I have played with was this stick. Best wood stick I got in my life.

They were more expensive than others but they worth the cost.

Didn't know they were discontinued.

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regarding ABS blades..players usually want a full ABS like the old Koho Ultimate even if it is super heavy...and well I don't think outdoor players make up a large part of the overall roller sales..buy an ultimate or similar ABS blade..see you in 4-6 months...

actually for outdoor that Gear carbon blade works unusually well..it was tested outdoors even at Cypress..

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Wood flyweight blades were nice. I picked up a bunch for a buddy of mine about a year ago and he still has one or two left.

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I have one of the whip sticks and i love it! I use it for street hockey all the time. I wish I could find another one online somewhere (anyone know anyplace with em?).

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