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Tour Skates at nice prices

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I just couldn't force myself to buy TOUR. To me they will always be the generic "just starting out in the game" company. I used to have an old pair of Tours and the heels broke on both skates and exposed the plastic inserts which were also very sharp!

Why would you buy TOUR anyways when Bauer, Nike etc are making such good quality stuff? Ah the mysteries of the world

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I'm sorry, but I LOVE my Tour BlueMax skates. Some of the best players in the adult league I play in are skating on Tours BlueMax and Beemers.

They're not "just starting out in the game" skates IMO. Maybe you bought yourself a pair of low end Tours Aussie Joe????? ;)

I had a pair of Nike Gator skates that were absolute crap....

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Actually just for your info....Tour have been making inline and roller skates probably longer than anybody else out there....They have been the major supplier for roller rink rental skates(quads) and one of the premier supplier of inline speed skates around the world for years. Tour were the first company to offer a "rental" inline hockey skate. This way before inlines were ever being used in any numbers, and before Missions were even out on the market.

If you haven't tried the new skates which have many very happy users..please do not insult those of us who have, and are more than happy with the product, simply because of your "impressions". Impressions which are obviously based on erroneous information. Some of us actually think they make a great product, and provide not only some technical advantages, but comfort and great durability as well....

The president of Tour just happens to be their chief skate designer....how many of the skate companies can say that? He also happens to be one of the quiet but nonetheless, one of the major forces in the world in bringing inline hockey to fruition...in places like China and elsewhere....They are NOT a "Johnny come lately", but they do not try to make a splash in the same way some other companies do. Look before you leap.......

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I just couldn't force myself to buy TOUR. To me they will always be the generic "just starting out in the game" company.

Sounds like somebody is "just starting out in the game" and it ain't Tour.. :P

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Actually just for your info....Tour have been making inline and roller skates probably longer than anybody else out there....They have been the major supplier for roller rink rental skates(quads) and one of the premier supplier of inline speed skates around the world for years. Tour were the first company to offer a "rental" inline hockey skate. This way before inlines were ever being used in any numbers, and before Missions were even out on the market.

If you haven't tried the new skates which have many very happy users..please do not insult those of us who have, and are more than happy with the product, simply because of your "impressions". Impressions which are obviously based on erroneous information. Some of us actually think they make a great product, and provide not only some technical advantages, but comfort and great durability as well....

The president of Tour just happens to be their chief skate designer....how many of the skate companies can say that? He also happens to be one of the quiet but nonetheless, one of the major forces in the world in bringing inline hockey to fruition...in places like China and elsewhere....They are NOT a "Johnny come lately", but they do not try to make a splash in the same way some other companies do. Look before you leap.......

I really liked the guy sfrom Tour from the few minutes I got to spend with them. One of the guys on my ice team plays for a Tour sponsored team and said the new inline skates have been getting a good reputation.

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Yeah seriously!

Friend of mine has been using Nike Shadows for the past YEAR. He just bought a pair of Tour SilverMax for $200 and is ranting and raving how much he loves these skates.

Tour really did a good job on these skates

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