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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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local league fees

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Just curious, how much do your local leagues charge you for a season?? Heres my stats:

location: New York

roller: $195 a season. 1 scrimmage/practice session, 10 games, playoffs if qualify. Indoor wood floor.

ice: not sure about leagues, as i only play pickup, but that runs me $15 for 1 1/2 hrs. I think the local rec leagues run in the area of $300 for a 10 game season.

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$8000 a team ($500 per man) for a 20 game season in Dallas (Ice)

$1350 a team for a 10 game season in Dallas (Roller)

$14 Ice Drop Ins (goalies free)

$8 Roller Drop Ins (goalies Free)

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location: washington DC metro area

Beer League (Ice): ~$440/player a season, 1 practice game, 21games +playoffs(winter top 4, summer all teams)

Pickup: $8-10 depending on rink. Goalies free depending on rink

Stick and puck: $8 I think. Goalies free depending on rink.

edit: all costs are per player so its about $6600/team and thats a team of 15 most teams have 18 on them so the rink makes some bank. Also this includes refs and stat tracking.

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Location: Long Island, New York

Roller: $75 a season. 4 practices, 15 games, playoffs. Dome/Bubble covering a polished concrete surface.

Roller: $170. 10 gamesplus playoffs and a championship. SportCourt

Travel Roller: Pay for all expenses

Ice: $185. 9 games, 1 evaluation. Playoffs if qualify.

Thats what my parents pay :ph34r:

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Harrisburg PA

$3900 - 20 game season + playoffs

$10 Open hockey on weekends

$8 open hockey at lunchtime on weekdays

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For full season of ice it's around $800-$900. Would be a lot more but local VFW sponsors us for about $5000 a year. They also buy our jackets, pants and hats.

We pay $800 and we still have split ice.

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$310.00 (CAN) for a 44 game season of men's league in Kingston, Ontario.

thats a good deal, $8/ game. Does the 44 games include playoffs

$420 for 28 games + playoffs in Oakville ASHL, if you make it past the regionals the rest is free. The bonus is there is a National Championship that alternates between Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal and travel and accommodations are all paid. Very competive Adult league played out of Canlan Icesport facilities.

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$310.00 (CAN) for a 44 game season of men's league in Kingston, Ontario.

thats a good deal, $8/ game. Does the 44 games include playoffs

$420 for 28 games + playoffs in Oakville ASHL, if you make it past the regionals the rest is free. The bonus is there is a National Championship that alternates between Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal and travel and accommodations are all paid. Very competive Adult league played out of Canlan Icesport facilities.

no, there's no playoffs. Everyone's a winner ;)

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Airport Ice Arena in Pittsburgh:


$1,500 (includes ref fees) for 10 games + playoffs if qualified

They track stats too! JK Auto is the team I play on.

Blade Runners in Pittsburgh

$1,000 for 10 games + 1 playoff game

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CDN $2,400 for my GTHL team 46 or so games 4 tournaments (one away) and playoffs if you make it other wise an end of year tournament. Plus $5 to get in to every game.

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15 person on are team $157 per person

12 games plus top 8 teams go to playoffs

Going A session without winning a game Priceless!! :(

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House league is 16 games + playoffs + 10 pracys + 3 tournys - $450

High School is 16 game season, 1 practice a week for 16 weeks, 3 tournys and playoffs (one 3 game series guanteed) - $250 (includes admission for school athletic dinner at end of year)

Shinny is $5

Stick and Puck is $2.50

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