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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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white pants :)

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The Washington Capitals played with white pants for one or part of some of their first seasons. Once the players started to sweat and got a couple games in them, the color shifted to something a little less pleasing. A nice yellow funk. Kinda like a set of well used Jofa sholder pads. Ick.

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Personally, I think white or yellow pants would be terrible. Just try keeping those things clean. After one game they'd have puck and tape marks all over them.

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There was a store on Ebay a while ago who was selling matching white gloves and pants from Sande. You could PM Gary and ask whether it's still possible to get white pants, and if so where. If not keep checking Ebay in addition to the other suggestions.

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definately a cool uniform....socks especially... but imagine being a normal guy thoses things would look nasty in a few weeks...If a team is payin for em....np

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The goalie on my team has white pants white pads white helmet white blocker/glove and custom all white ccm sticks. I know he ordered his pants custom from CCM I think. The problem is from rubbing up against the goal posts they have a red orange color on the back. White pants would for sure be hard to keep clean.

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