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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sakic Curve

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Lately, I have been shooting very poorly with my Sakic curve, I don't know if its just that i'm shooting off the wrong part of the blade, or that its just not the right curve for me.

I think its mostly that the curve is too big because when I take snap shots, they are wobbly and unaccurate. I usually have a strong snap shot, but its just lately, they have been really bad.

This is probably just me, but does anyone else have this problem?

What would you recommend for a curve????

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I used to use a Sakic and had the same problem. My wristers were wicked but everything else sucked. I changed blade types though. My original synergy I loved it but then I changed to a Si-core and a Hybrid and my shot just went to hell after that(while using the same Sakic curve). I now use an Iggy/Hull(mission) and all of my shots are amazing.

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i find my snappers are amazing with heel curves, such as the lidstrom, but have trouble with wristers with them. i can't take wrist shots with an opened curve, and can't take snap shots with a closed curve

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