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College inline hockey teams?

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I dont know if this is the right forum, but does anyone know of any schools that have club inline hockey teams? I know there is intercollegiate competition, because I know Michigan and Cal have inline teams, but I was wondering if anyone knew of any others? And does anyone know anything about the competition, like is it like the NCAA, with conference games and a championship tournament?

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I dont know....UM has a roller team? I dont think its huge though, (yet....) as its not one of the sports on the NCAA site.....just ice :(

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Yea, but I was looking through the UM athletics website and browsed the club team list, and inline hockey was on it. I know its not an NCAA sport, its a club sport but I was just wondering if anyone knew any other schools that had teams?

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There is an entire league for collegiate inline hockey.

The National Collegiate Roller Hockey Association. There are teams all over and I think 5 different divisions.


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apperntly the leading scorer in DI is 14 :blink: , his names James Nowicki

He wears number 14...probably just entered the age wrong, most likely something like 24.

Also, he's a grad student.

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Good luck - their A team is ranked nationally. The problem with teams like that is that they go with 8-9 skaters...that is why I stopped playing college. I was set to go to UCF and my team (Valencia) was going up to UCF as well, and I knew the deal...

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I know NIU (Northern Illinois University) has a start up team. They are just club level and I believe only play local smaller colleges. I am not sure if they travel yet, like I said they just started up. Illinois tends to not give a crap about hockey, so funding is LOW.

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I play for my college team, University of Colorado, up here in Boulder. We're in the RMCRHA division of NCRHA. Initially the program was pretty weak but now it's getting very good. Last year we were awarded the University of Colorado Collegiate Sport Club of the year. Our division is pretty sparse right now though because it was just created a year or two ago. We mostly play Colorado state university and Denver university. As of this moment we're on a hot streak, we haven't lost in our last 6 or so :D . Unfortunately, I'm going to have to stop playing soon because my grades are dropping.

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