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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Flexes

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Sundin - TPS S; Easton 105; Inno 220-260

Arnott - Easton 110

Lundmark - Easton 100

Nolan - Easton 100-90

Doan - Easton 100

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a guy i know had one of the pro stock chara 140 cyclones. it exploded the first time he used it, stiffer doesnt always mean more durable....

I'm sure thats why my XX-Stiff Berg XX broke. I cut it down to my height, 5'11 and the first time I flexed it that was it. Crack - Snap. I think with the height the stick might be broken into a certain pivot point, but when cutting it that much (I took almost 8" off) it changes. Thats just my theory, I have nothing to prove it with.

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i have two prostock synergies from 2002, mayers' which is about a 90-95 and hull's which is about an 80. of course i'm sure they've changed flexes since then.


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Ribeiro : 85 Flex EASTON

I thought Ribeiro was a Mission guy now.

I know he's a Mission guy, but I just saw his Easton while he was in my town 2 years ago. He should uses 85 flex with his mission too.

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