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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Uncle Rico Check This Out!

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that amazingly funny. "I found it under my house" "I don't know much about electrionics but it looks burned out and there appears to be some parts missing."

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lolololololololol look at the questions ppl are asking him, just click on the link in the questions that says "more..."

Some guy was like "hey my friend bought this from you tomorrow, thanks for the fast shipping"

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Q: I can't decide whether you are a comedy genius, entrepreneur, conman or just a complete twat. Which is it?

A: im just an average guy who just happend to found a time machine under his house.

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The buyer has me intrigued. That goldenpalace.com...I still haven't figured out what exactly it is and why they are buying Montreal Expos cabbage patch kids...

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It is an online gambling place. Because of American laws they can't advertise anywhere, so they buy items like this and the McDonald's Abe Lincoln French Fry as "free" advertising because of the publicity the auctions get.

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But they used to advertise at boxing matches and stuff...

They can't buy TV ads or print ads. They always look for as many ways as possible to get on TV though. They've sponsored streakers at various English events in the past, as well.

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I remember they were the ones who advertised all over the Celebrity Boxers. They also used to have that streaker who did a few golf tournaments and soccer games. I read an article a few weeks ago about online gambling and advertising. If you ever watch poker on TV you'll notice that the commercials for the websites offer to teach people how to play poker, but they don't actually offer the games. The site partypoker.com advertises as partypoker.net, its affiliate site that is a poker tutorial. I'll try to find that article.

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I found the article, but now you need a subscription to read it.

Does bugmenot.com have a username for it?

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But they used to advertise at boxing matches and stuff...

They can't buy TV ads or print ads. They always look for as many ways as possible to get on TV though. They've sponsored streakers at various English events in the past, as well.

Yes, the streaker who did the Super Bowl was also sponsored by them.

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