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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is this starting to sound like a soap opera or pro wrestling to anyone other than me?

Nope, it's not just you. I called it before, after the 50 Cent and the Game split up, causing a ton of publicity COINCIDENTALLY right before the massacre was released and just after the documentary was released. They do it for publicity because it helps sell albums.

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LOL scroll all the way down guys...

LOL, ya I saw that down there I first time I read but just let these guys talk. lol. Do you really thing that Tupac will come back on April 1?

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If Tupac is alive, he wont come back. It would be stupid, because if he is alive, hes obviously living a pretty good life, probably chillin on an island or something like that, and if he came back he would be arrested and thrown in jail for the rest of his life. I personally believe he is alive. Like someone earlier said in this post, there was no body, and all the paper work was fake. Also look at the songs he is still putting out. Why would anyone make that many songs and not release them?

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Also look at the songs he is still putting out. Why would anyone make that many songs and not release them?

Because 99% of those are probably songs where he was sitting in his studio stoned as hell, decided to piss around and record something, and it got saved. If it was put out at that time nobody would listen to it because they wouldn't give a crap, but now that he's dead (and believe me, he is dead) people will soak up everything he ever made.

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Also look at the songs he is still putting out.  Why would anyone make that many songs and not release them?

Because 99% of those are probably songs where he was sitting in his studio stoned as hell, decided to piss around and record something, and it got saved. If it was put out at that time nobody would listen to it because they wouldn't give a crap, but now that he's dead (and believe me, he is dead) people will soak up everything he ever made.

If I had to make a bet I would say he is dead but some of the songs on his "new" albums are too good to be unreleased stuff. Like "Changes", "Ambitionz az a Ridah" and "How do You Want It." All of those songs would have been hits even if he wasn't dead, especially Changes.

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im not sure if this is true or not but one of my friends told me that in a music video he was wearing jordans that came out in 2000 and the video was only made in 1996.

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Also look at the songs he is still putting out.  Why would anyone make that many songs and not release them?

Because 99% of those are probably songs where he was sitting in his studio stoned as hell, decided to piss around and record something, and it got saved. If it was put out at that time nobody would listen to it because they wouldn't give a crap, but now that he's dead (and believe me, he is dead) people will soak up everything he ever made.

Much like the way, every scrap of studio recordings Hendrix ever made have been pushed out.

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