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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fathers unwinding

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How do other fathers unwind after a long, long season? It feels like I should be at a rink somewhere right now! Usually a little NHL action helps me out, but not this year!

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I am not a parent but to me this year flew by. To get my hockey fix when the season is over I go to junior, college games or even some other minor hockey playoff games. Street hockey helps too.

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i remember when my amateur career was over, and i had been with the same team for four years... my parents didn't know what they were going to do with themselves! they had joked about finding a local team to go follow and watch all season.

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i remember when my amateur career was over, and i had been with the same team for four years... my parents didn't know what they were going to do with themselves! they had joked about finding a local team to go follow and watch all season.

I don't know why but when I read this post, it makes me nostalgic...

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My kid's season ain't over yet - we're going to Nationals in Colorado after Easter. It will be hard when it's over. She's had her best season ever with a wonderful team, nice parents and great coach.

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i remember when my amateur career was over

Your "amateur career"... like you're a friggin pro now? Dream's over, buddy...

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i remember when my amateur career was over

Your "amateur career"... like you're a friggin pro now? Dream's over, buddy...

hey, don't be jealous!!! but just for you... sorry, my under 18 years old career.

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oh don't worry, she doesnt have to come around to answer that one... but i won't actually say it, cuz we dont want to hurt others feelings on this site!!!

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