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Shock Doctor vs. Superfeet Grey

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I second that. I have 709s that hurt like hell with my flat feet. You can trim the arches with an exacto knife, but be especially careful doing that. You might want to take it to a cobbler. :)

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I've been thinking about getting a pair of these since I keep hearing how great they are, though I do feel a little silly spending the money to buy them since I'm not even playing hockey yet (still in the "learning to skate" stage). The only problem is I'm not sure exactly what size I should get - a C or a D. I have Mission skates, size 7 EE, which seems to be about the upper size limit of the C. But it says size C is for women's shoe sizes 6.5-8 (I'm a female) and my feet are much bigger than that - a 9.5 to 10 depending on the shoe. Any recommendations?

Hi DF - always nice to have another woman in the testosterone jungle.

I wouldn't feel silly about buying them at all... they will support your feet which will make it easier to learn to skate.

Skate sizing gets very weird when you are moving back and forth between skates and women's sizing. I just pulled my daughter's old Missions out (back when she had womens size 8.5 feet) and they are a D. So I'd say you should definitely get the D superfeet. If you want to make sure you can always take your skates into the LHS.

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Thanks for the reply guys, I'll go check out my LHS once I go home for Spring break, sorta studying away from home at the moment. I guess for now, i'll just pick up a pair of superfeet and give those a try.

Oh and just to make sure, the superfeet sizing on the package is for shoe sizing right?

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devilsfan- because of the width of your feet make sure to get the black superfeet, the blacks are wider and will not move lateraly in the wide skates as well

the black Superfeet are also for "low volume" footwear, so if you don't have much room to spare in your boots volume-wise, Superfeet black are a better choice than Superfeet grey.

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I am looking for new footbeds for my new graf 703's (sz. 7W) but also not sure what to get. I have a relatively flat foot and switching from vapors to grafs felt comfortable sitting around, but on the ice my arches hurt so much from the pressure that i had to sideline myself after 5-10 minutes to loosen my laces. Anyone know if it has to do with that forward pitch from the cobra holders as well? I had foot pains at my arch for the rest of the night even after loosening them to a more comfortable/less supportive level.

I am tempted to get the superfeet but if it feels like golf balls under my arches, I don't know if i can bare them for that adjustment period. Are these the only available footbeds for skates?

I had the same issues with the aching and pain when I switched from Vapors to Grafs with Sperfeet.

It took a few games, but once my feet adapted I was in haven. For me and my feet I have stopped looking for a better skate. I am 100% sold on Graf and Superfeet.

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I've been thinking about getting a pair of these since I keep hearing how great they are, though I do feel a little silly spending the money to buy them since I'm not even playing hockey yet (still in the "learning to skate" stage). The only problem is I'm not sure exactly what size I should get - a C or a D. I have Mission skates, size 7 EE, which seems to be about the upper size limit of the C. But it says size C is for women's shoe sizes 6.5-8 (I'm a female) and my feet are much bigger than that - a 9.5 to 10 depending on the shoe. Any recommendations?

Buy a pair to fit your foot size not the size skate boot you are in. You need the arch of the Superfeet to fit the arch of your fit. You trim the length to fit the shape of the existing innersole in the skate anyway so it doesn't really matter if it is too long.

That is a long winded way to say buy the D. If you buy the C the arch will hit behind the arch in your foot and won't be comfortable.

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I am looking for new footbeds for my new graf 703's (sz. 7W) but also not sure what to get. I have a relatively flat foot and switching from vapors to grafs felt comfortable sitting around, but on the ice my arches hurt so much from the pressure that i had to sideline myself after 5-10 minutes to loosen my laces. Anyone know if it has to do with that forward pitch from the cobra holders as well? I had foot pains at my arch for the rest of the night even after loosening them to a more comfortable/less supportive level.

I am tempted to get the superfeet but if it feels like golf balls under my arches, I don't know if i can bare them for that adjustment period. Are these the only available footbeds for skates?

I had the same issues with the aching and pain when I switched from Vapors to Grafs with Sperfeet.

It took a few games, but once my feet adapted I was in haven. For me and my feet I have stopped looking for a better skate. I am 100% sold on Graf and Superfeet.

So was it just a pain in your arch? I was starting to think that I couldn't adjust to the pitch of the new cobras. I've skated on tuuks pretty much my whole life, so i was tempted to throw on a pair. If superfeet is the problem solver that would be great, because it can save me some money.

Oh, do you have the link to your thread again after the successful bake and skates again, i came across it but don't have the link anymore.

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Hi DF - always nice to have another woman in the testosterone jungle.

I wouldn't feel silly about buying them at all... they will support your feet which will make it easier to learn to skate.

Skate sizing gets very weird when you are moving back and forth between skates and women's sizing. I just pulled my daughter's old Missions out (back when she had womens size 8.5 feet) and they are a D. So I'd say you should definitely get the D superfeet. If you want to make sure you can always take your skates into the LHS.

Buy a pair to fit your foot size not the size skate boot you are in. You need the arch of the Superfeet to fit the arch of your fit. You trim the length to fit the shape of the existing innersole in the skate anyway so it doesn't really matter if it is too long.

That is a long winded way to say buy the D. If you buy the C the arch will hit behind the arch in your foot and won't be comfortable.

Thanks for the help guys! I was leaning towards the D (since you can always trim them down, but you can't make them longer!) but I just wanted some confirmation.

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can anyone tell me if the grey Superfeet changes the pitch at which you stand (i.e. a thicker heel)? Will this give any type of forward lean?

Mine are coming in today. I skate CCM Vector 6.0s and I feel like I am back on my heels too much. I didn't want to change my steel until I put in the Superfeet.

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Thanks for the help guys! I was leaning towards the D (since you can always trim them down, but you can't make them longer!) but I just wanted some confirmation.

No worries, you can even cut Superfeet to 3/4 length... so don't worry about cutting too short.

can anyone tell me if the grey Superfeet changes the pitch at which you stand (i.e. a thicker heel)? Will this give any type of forward lean?

Mine are coming in today. I skate CCM Vector 6.0s and I feel like I am back on my heels too much. I didn't want to change my steel until I put in the Superfeet.

Not that I have noticed, I've worn both grey, and black Superfeet and noticed no change in pitch.

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Well this is the first time I've managed to get ice time since installing the SuperFeet (1062 Super Tacks).

NIGHT and DAY difference. Maybe its mental, maybe its not but I felt more in control and stable on the ice than I have before. They do feel like they raise me up in the heel a bit so I'm pushed forward a bit, not so much on my heels. Working the edges was easier, I think what has been said about fixing the arch and aligning your foot better is true.

Anyway, MSH now has another SuperFeet fan.

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Well this is the first time I've managed to get ice time since installing the SuperFeet (1062 Super Tacks).

NIGHT and DAY difference. Maybe its mental, maybe its not but I felt more in control and stable on the ice than I have before. They do feel like they raise me up in the heel a bit so I'm pushed forward a bit, not so much on my heels. Working the edges was easier, I think what has been said about fixing the arch and aligning your foot better is true.

Anyway, MSH now has another SuperFeet fan.

I tried mine yesterday for the 1st time to much less fanfare.

I do not have flat feet and do not experience any pain while skating. My feet get tired doing certain things like backwards crossovers. I decided to try them since they came so highly recommended here.

The insole did feel like it took up the space under my arch. Before it felt like just a big void. Ironically, I had some minor lower back pain afterward. I'm not sure if they are related, but I hadn't felt any lower back pain in quite awhile.

They did feel like they supported my feet well, but perhaps I'm just not a good enough skater, or have enough alignment problems that it made much of a difference.

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Years of wearing Army boots has made my feet nice and flat. So yeah, they help quite a bit. Possibly due to the flat feet i tend to pronate a bit too. The insoles seemed to have helped with both issues, I'm thinking of getting some for my street shoes too.

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Years of wearing Army boots has made my feet nice and flat. So yeah, they help quite a bit. Possibly due to the flat feet i tend to pronate a bit too. The insoles seemed to have helped with both issues, I'm thinking of getting some for my street shoes too.

I wear the green ones in my work boots and love them to death as well. My feet and lower back haven't felt as tired at the end of the day since I started wearing them. You may not need the green ones unless you subject your feet to "heavy duty" use. My wife wears them in her work shoes as well, as she's on her feet most of the day. Took her a week to get used to it, felt the same "golf ball" feeling but I told her to tough it out and it would get better. She now notices a difference wearing shoes without her Superfeet and can't wear shoes without them for too long.

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I just switched to Superfeet from Shockdoctor's and I am very impressed. I bought 1500c's in August and they fit my foot like a glove. For some reason my right foot started hurting when I skated. I switched and didn't experience any foot pain. My skates actually feel better now too because my heel isn't up as high.

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Just got some grey super feet to go in my one 90's, they feel great and my instep doesnt hurt anymore. They feel way better than shockdoctors that i had in my 1300's but it could be the different skate. I had to go to 5 stores to find them though.

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Slight bump....just wondering how stiff are the superfeet? Are they stiff kinda like the SD or they more cushy?

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There isn't squat for cushioning on them. Heck even the orange ones I have in my regular shoes don't have much at all.

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I tried the super feet and was kinda ho hum about the experience compared to my shockdoctors. Nothing to noticeable. Although my SD's have foam added underneath for my arch support. So I'm getting a superfeet arch support while adding some cushion that superfeet doesn't have.

I tried mine yesterday for the 1st time to much less fanfare.

I do not have flat feet and do not experience any pain while skating. My feet get tired doing certain things like backwards crossovers. I decided to try them since they came so highly recommended here.

The insole did feel like it took up the space under my arch. Before it felt like just a big void. Ironically, I had some minor lower back pain afterward. I'm not sure if they are related, but I hadn't felt any lower back pain in quite awhile.

They did feel like they supported my feet well, but perhaps I'm just not a good enough skater, or have enough alignment problems that it made much of a difference.

Actually this summed up my experience as well. 100% what I went through when I tried them.

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Ok that's fine with me...as cushy insoles seem to break down way too fast. Wanted to see if superfeet were like that before I gave them a try.

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The great thing about Superfeet is they never break down. The foam is very dense with a plastic shell underneath that never loses its form and support.

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Yes Superfeet are worth it. I spent the $30 a few years ago and I've swapped them from skate to skate, and into my ski boots as well.

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I've got some super feet (yellow ones) that came with some skates. I shoved them into my current skates after putting them in the oven for about 7 min...

at least now I feel more comfortable skating...

Got some shockdoctors to try as well. Brought them to the orthotist who added some arch support to them. Tried them in the skates but didnt really work out.

Well, at least i can use the SD's in my sneakers or soemthing

At the end of the year, I'm going to get some more custom insoles.

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