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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roberts Curve

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I didn't want to bring this topic up because I know some of the replies I'll get but I've applied everything I've learned from this board to try and make this curve work for me. I tried different technique, follow thru etc. I've been usin this blade for almost 2 months(Roberts F4) and there is just no zip/velocity on my slap shots with this pattern, I can't figure out what it is. I've also tried hitting it off different parts of the blade still it flutters ever so gracefully. The problem is I like this pattern for every other aspect like stickhandling, passing, wristers, snappers,feel but when I 'm in a situation for a slapper I feel impotent with this pattern. I don't think its the F4 quality because I also have a Jovanovski pattern and it absolutely fires rockets. Any advise on what else I could be doing to make this work? Thanks!

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i think you got to think of what kind of player roberts is.

99% of his goals are from within 2 feet of the net.

so all he need is something he can shovel with, get high/low at his will.

you almost never see him take a slapper.

but i've noticed with certain style curves, you need a matching flex....

toe - mid curves you need something softer

where as a heel curve you need a stiffer shaft..

any one else agree with this?

i tried using a lidstrom with an 85 flex.. all i got was fluttering slappers.

but with a 100+ flex, laser beems.

i am currently using the roberts curve with a 260flex hespeler nemesis, slappers dont seem to be a problem with it...

i'll take note next time i am on the ice

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I think your right golfpuck, It feels as if my shaft is to stiff with this blade. I'm using 100 flex bubble. The shorter hossel on the F4 doesnt help either.

I tried curling my wrist and it still doesnt give me the pop the Z-carb did.

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maybe the lie is wrong for you? i'm not sure if there's a difference between jovanovski and roberts.. also, if you're not used to how much loft there is, it could throw you off.

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I had the same problem with my Mogilny Pro-Stock. The curve is a hUge Euro-Toe-Curve. Stick-handling was insane, throwing and catching passes was a breeze, and wristers jumped off the blade into the the top corners. But when I wound up for a slap shot it was ugly. I concentrated on rolling my wrists, hitting the puck off the center of the blade, beginning of the blade, increased my follow-through, ect.... ect.... All that stuff just made my shot worse. Then one of my freinds said, "Just grip it and rip it!" So next time out I through all caution and techniques to the wind and I just smacked the shite out of the puck and I haven't had any problems since using a Euro-Toe Curve for slappers.

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Thanks, I'll try the grip and rip method tomorrow at warmups if that doesn't work I'll need to sell them and go back to the drawing board. With Shanny going out I want to get used to something else instead of holding on and scrambling for them in a couple of years. Those custom Christians sound pretty good.

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