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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easter is coming up

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Since Easter is coming up, I just wanted to post this. I was reading an article the other day on Jesus and on the article there was a poll on how many people believed that Jesus' ressurrection was real. (i read this article online on Newsweek)

So I was wondering the same thing. How many of MSHers believe in Christ?

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7244999/site/newsweek/?GT1=6305 thats the article by the way

*Mods if religion is not appropriate then delete this.*

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that was an interesting story...

I happened to be at the mall next door when it occurred, and that morning, id gotten off work at 11, 2 hours before we dispatched 2 ambulances to transport victims. then they showed a map of the shooters house, and you could see my house on it. Being raised catholic, its a shame things like this mar the church's image.

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Not like how many priests are pedophiles, but I can see this putting a bad spin on things. Jesus just needs to team up with Chuck E. Cheese, but then people will come up with names like "Chuck E. Jesus" and such.

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Not like how many priests are pedophiles, but I can see this putting a bad spin on things. Jesus just needs to team up with Chuck E. Cheese, but then people will come up with names like "Chuck E. Jesus" and such.

Better yet, "buddy christ"


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this topic hasnt gotten nasty, but i would imagine it could, espcially if someone wants to be "funny", mods can we lock this? i know you have locked religous posts in the past

and BTW ones wordview shapes everything in this discussion

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12 years of Catholic school for this guy here (and all the priests were decent people). I learned lots of good values from my religion as well as good parenting (single mom, mind you). That being said, it's been forever since I've been to Sunday Mass. But hey, these last several Friday fish frys have been excellent! I can't decide whether I like the catfish or the cod better... :D

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