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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ive watched him play in local junior games, he controls the tempo of a game all by himself. he skated through our whole junior team himself. Hisey basically beat us single handedly everytime he was on the ice he was a threat. he scored 3 goals or maybe 2 and had an assist, which was the game winning assist in overtime. this one time i remember he came down center faked all 5 guys on our team out and sniped one top corner, on a pretty darn good goalie that doesnt usually get beat on just shots that are not screened or tipped.

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I tried it for about an hour in my basment today with a roller puck. I can pick it up between my legs but I dont think I will ever be able to spin and keep it on my stick. Guess I will try the spinning part tomarrow(yeah I have no life). I dont think id ever try that in a game. Id either look like a total moron messing it up, or get leveled.

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amazing! for all the people who want to try that move in a game the chances of having enough time is unlikely. Hisey has amazing statshttp://www.ontariohockeyleague.com/stats/statdisplay.php?type=individual_scoring_by_team&id=0&leagueId=1&db=ohl why doesn't he get more attention

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If you can do the Michigan then its easy to do that that through the legs.I can do it and spin with it on the stick but I havent tried it skating fast yet.But I can do it skating. B) But seriously it isnt that hard if you practice for like 20 minutes if you can do the Michigan.

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Michigans are easy when your blade is dry, but if you don't use wax and you've been on the ice for a while, it's hard as hell. :angry:

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Michigans are easy when your blade is dry, but if you don't use wax and you've been on the ice for a while, it's hard as hell. :angry:

Can't agree more. After warmup and the first 5-7 minutes of the first period, it's impossible.

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What is the Michigan? Is that the move used to get the puck on its side and flat on the stick blade?

I didn't realize it had a name.

How did become called "The Michigan"?

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Michigans are easy when your blade is dry, but if you don't use wax and you've been on the ice for a while, it's hard as hell. :angry:

in all honesty, I've never been able to pull one off on the ice... in my basement I can flip the puck up, but it seems with me it has more to do with luck and how much wax I slather onto the blade ;). Honestly, I don't even really understand the concept of it...

of course, never having the need to do it, or it ever being useful probably prevented me from trying it. I would love to be able to do it, just for giggles..

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Hipster a michigan is were u scoop up the puck as show in the clip its called a michigan be cause the 1st player to pull off the move was mike craig at the you guessed it ... university of michigan

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If you can do the Michigan then its easy to do that that through the legs.I can do it and spin with it on the stick but I havent tried it skating fast yet.But I can do it skating. B) But seriously it isnt that hard if you practice for like 20 minutes if you can do the Michigan.

it is very easy normally, havent tried it between my legs but it should be about the same

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If you can do the Michigan then its easy to do that that through the legs.I can do it and spin with it on the stick but I havent tried it skating fast yet.But I can do it skating. B) But seriously it isnt that hard if you practice for like 20 minutes if you can do the Michigan.

could someone explain what exactly ther "Michigan" is or perhaps has a video to share?

EDIT: Hell, maybe I could just read a few posts up <_<

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If you have a file sharing program, search "hockey awesome goal" or "hockey goal best shot ever". I always see it when I search for hockey videos on Ares.

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