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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Frozen Four

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There will be a Semifinal game on ESPN 2 at 2:00 (EST) on Thursday, April 7th, and another one at 7:00 that night (again on ESPN 2). The championship game will be on ESPN at 7:00 Saturday the 9th.

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I was wondering the same thing. Since it's college, I would assume it means something like ESPN University. Not positive though.

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off topic but where is the post about the kid flipping out after a college hockey game recently

It degenerated and didn't reflect well on any of the participants.

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The Michigan/Wisconsin game is gonna be on here on the local FSN, so I'd assume all the local games will be broadcasted if you live near any of the teams playing.

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