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OHL draft

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I saw on Sportscentre that John Travares a 14 year old who plays in Toronto is so good that he would be expected to be the 1st pick in the OHL draft. Now the OHL is considering a rule to allow the 4 non playoff teams to pick younger players if they want to. What are everyones opinions?

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I think all of the drafting ages are too young. They should push the OHL draft back to 16, and the NHL back to at least 20.

Why? If they have the talent let them play as young as they want, whats the point of having an age restriction? Look at Lebron...

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Because for every Lebron there's 10 guys who don't get a chance because they develop at a later age. They can still play tier II, but alot of teams bring in guys who aren't at a level to be there and play them anyways for experience, which I think screws them up a little and hinders other players development. As good as the OHL is, it could be better, there are players there, who aren't at the level, but younger. I don't think the systems are being used to develop players as a whole, they are being used to win at every level. Teams are drafting the majority of their players based on hopes, I'd rather see them draft on merit and being in the system longer allows you to get a better read. You're average 17 year old is alot differen't than your average 21 year old. Maybe its because I know a few guys who've got screwed on both of these, the OHL and NHL draft dates, but I just don't see a need to draft players so early.

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Well if hes as good as Lebron is at basketball in hockey I'd say let him play. Obviously if they arent at the same level they shouldnt be playing there, but Im sure they will develop into great players in a year.

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Then make exception applications, but I am talking about you're average player. Have a group who decides whether this kid is an "exception", give the teams say 1 "exception" every 5 or 10 years so they can draft these "phenoms".

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The draft needs to be moved back. None of the 88's playing in the O this year did anything amazing. Leading scorer among 88's scored 39 points.

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ya eazy you make some very good points and I mean theres so many late bloomers who become excellent prospects when they're 18 or 19 not when they're 13 or14. For every Gretzky theres a ton of Lindrois'

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ya eazy you make some very good points and I mean theres so many late bloomers who become excellent prospects when they're 18 or 19 not when they're 13 or14. For every Gretzky theres a ton of Lindrois'

Look at Lindros numbers in the NHL, they are damn good. Much better than he gets credit for.

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He was a machine and I still think, minus the concussions, would be the best NHLer right now.

Anyways back to semi-topic. I have no problems with "phenoms" being allowed, but on average its way too young for me. EricG is correct that very few 88's made an impact. We had a guy drafted from here in the top 10 for the OHL draft and he played this year. I wouldn't even put him in the top 20 D in the city under 25, so why does he deserve to be there? Give him a few years, see how he turns out, whether he grows into his body and whether he can handle the speed at a junior level.

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ya eazy you make some very good points and I mean theres so many late bloomers who become excellent prospects when they're 18 or 19 not when they're 13 or14. For every Gretzky theres a ton of Lindrois'

Look at Lindros numbers in the NHL, they are damn good. Much better than he gets credit for.

Yeah - Flare-outs don't win the Heart Trophy...

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Got one of my boys in the draft, Matt Smyth. He plays for Markham. He grew up here and he played for our youth team, then he moved up to Ontario this season. Heard he's going top 5.

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The draft needs to be moved back. None of the 88's playing in the O this year did anything amazing. Leading scorer among 88's scored 39 points.

39 points isnt to bad, specially for a first year guy.

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It's really not bad. But there always seems to be a couple guys who are up at close to 1 ppg. It's just weaker then other seasons.

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This is an interesting development as my friend was supossed to be drafted into the OHL this year. Hopefully another year gets him taken higher and or to a better team.

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Tavares is amazing though..and could easily be a "lebron"....he plays in the GTHL, consodered one of if not the best league in ontario, with guys a year old and absolutely dominates..he is the leading scorer in a league with many players expected to go top 3 rounds..this kid should be given a legidement chance to showcase his skills against the big boys and if he can handle it he should be playing in the O next year.

P.S. I do not think Smyth will go top 5, but he is an amazing player that will go first or second round for sure. In a tournament this year his team one a 4-3 o.t. game in which he got all 4 goals.

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If they didn't let Crosby go up, who was scoring a hattrick a game in the Air Canada Cup, why should they let this kid go up? I can't figure out why he is playing AAA right now if he's this good. Why isn't he in Tier II? I know he's been called up, but he should be there for a full season if he wants to goto the OHL.

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This is an interesting development as my friend was supossed to be drafted into the OHL this year. Hopefully another year gets him taken higher and or to a better team.

You can't re-enter the OHL draft, if you have already been drafted.

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out here in BC and in the WHL draft they draft the kids right after 2nd year bantam as 14 year olds unlike in the OHL and QMJHL were they draft them as 15 year olds after a year of midget

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Has anyone heard of Patrice Cormier he is suppose to be 2nd year bantam but he played half this season with JR A and had 20 points in 30 games ,but then they sent him to Major Midget and he is dominating,he is 6-2 200lbs

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