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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Foot Injury

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I hurt my foot by a slapshot to the side of my foot on the inner side. Theres no black and blue but can hardly walk on it. Its right over my arch in my foot. What bone is there that would hurt to much without any black and blue?

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the same thing happend to me on tuesday blocked i shot same place and there was a little bit of swelling but its not bruised. there was a little cut thats it. i just wraped it with medical tape it seem to do the job it fine now i can walk fine and play hockey no problem.

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could be a hairline fracture, thats happened to me twice

Similar thing happened to one of the guys on my team back in December.

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There are a lot of little bones you could have chipped/fractured there and barely notice. In baseball I stepped on first base wrong, right in the arch, thought I just sprained something. No bruising, minimal swelling, but a lot of pain. Played the rest of the week until we got back home (thanks to the shouts of "suck it up" from my mother, Mrs. Mengele) and found out I had chipped a couple bones in the arch.

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