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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy ST

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I tried it (not used) at my local hockey rink shop and it's a bit heavy compared to the SL, Stealth, and even the "old" silver synergy. But after wtaching the Giants' playoff games i notice that a couple of players use it (mostly defencemen). I must say that the pickle green paint job is pretty nice!

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I saw grip one the other day, just picked it up and felt the grip, I hated it compared to my Vapor XX

I saw the color of the ST grip, then had nightmares.

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I saw grip one the other day, just picked it up and felt the grip, I hated it compared to my Vapor XX

I saw the color of the ST grip, then had nightmares.


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My LHS has the Synergy ST's at the same price as the old regular synergies. Don't have the SL's yet, but they said to expect them to be the same prices as the sicore and sicore grips.

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my LHS has the SL's and ST's both at the same price i believe, which was 219.99 cdn i think, and their grip counterparts being 10-20$ more

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I've used one for 2 weeks but keep changing back to my old stick (Inno 1100 tapered shaft). The ST is a good stick but nothing special, and I'm more used to my 1100 anyway.

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ive tried out the normal ST (my friend has one) it seemed just like my old normal synergy but im due for anew stick so i think i go for the green one :D

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