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Gaining Weight

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I'm 16 6'0 and weigh 160. No matter what or how much i eat i cant seem to put on any weight. :blink: I started to work out and that put me from 150 to 160 but can't work out much any more due to a shoulder and knee problem. Any thoughts?

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Get injured...no I'm kidding there, but after I dislocated my knee and was off the ice for 10 weeks, I put on 12 lbs, weighed 110 before injury, 122 after...and I am only 5' 2"

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Try a Whey Protein while working out.

If you have money try weight gainer protien. Some have like 65 grams or protien. That would only work if you consistintly workout, otherwise it would become fat.

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ive tryed the weight gainer protien didnt work for me at all i burn so many calories a day with all my workouts and skating that it doesnt even matter, if i am using the weight gainer stuff.

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grats thunder..

well gaining weight.. sounds quite funny.

i just lost a lotta wieght, from 275 down to 198 pounds, which is okay for my size 6'2"

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I don`t think you really want to gain fat do you? Also, consideirng muscle makes up about 40% of ur body weight it would be more logical to gain mucles. But eat, eat, eat is the only thing i can suggest other then weightlifting.

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Try a Whey Protein while working out.

i was always curious about that stuff...

this is probably a stupid question, but by work out, do you mean like lifting weights basically, or is running or playing a hockey game sufficient?

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Running wouldn't hurt, and would help reduce body fat if you're looking for a cut body, but you need to weight train for the full effects of whey to be seen, or any other supplement for that matter...with the exception of Mr. Bonds miracle juice.

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Why not try supplementing a lifting routine with something like Creatine? It is naturally occuring in food we eat (red meat and fish), doesn't have the bad side effects like steroids, and has proved more beneficial than the protein powder supplements. If you simply continue to play hockey, you'll keep your cardio up, and by lifting you'll put on some size as well as improving small parts of your game

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I need to gain weight really bad now. I've had mono for the past few weeks and lost 15 lbs and I was already some what under weight. Im 5' 11.5" and I only weight 135-140 now... Any advice for gaining a lot of weight?

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Creatine is designed to help you lift more for longer periods of time. You have two types of muscle cells in your body, fast and slow twitch. In order to start the fast twitch, your body uses creatine, as well as oxygen and possibley some other substances.The creatine acts as a sort of ignition for the fast twitch system, it is a naturally occuring substance in the body, I don`t recall it being in red meat, however I might be wrong. With more creatine, you are able to extend the life of your fast twitch muslce fibres...which are primarily used in weight lifting and as a result, you are able to gain more because you can lift more for longer. However, there are some risks with creatine as it is hard on yuor liver as the body is not used to processing so much of it, and you have to drink a lot of water to help it. Also, the fact that it`s bad on your kidneys is why people cycle with it.

Although, for gaining wait with supplements I would either make or purchase a weight gainer...essentially a protien shake with lots of carbs.

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Creatine is designed to help you lift more for longer periods of time. You have two types of muscle cells in your body, fast and slow twitch. In order to start the fast twitch, your body uses creatine, as well as oxygen and possibley some other substances.The creatine acts as a sort of ignition for the fast twitch system, it is a naturally occuring substance in the body, I don`t recall it being in red meat, however I might be wrong. With more creatine, you are able to extend the life of your fast twitch muslce fibres...which are primarily used in weight lifting and as a result, you are able to gain more because you can lift more for longer. However, there are some risks with creatine as it is hard on yuor liver as the body is not used to processing so much of it, and you have to drink a lot of water to help it. Also, the fact that it`s bad on your kidneys is why people cycle with it.

Although, for gaining wait with supplements I would either make or purchase a weight gainer...essentially a protien shake with lots of carbs.

I dont think it has to do with fast and slow twitch muscles. It produces ATP inside your body which serves as source of energy for "muscle contractions". It also slows down the rate at which lactic acid is released or something like that so your muscles dont get sore or burn as fast. It is found in red meats and fish. Also there are no known side effects except for some muscle cramps, I've never heard or liver or kidney problems?

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I was in the same boat as you were at your age; 6'1" 170lbs and couldn't gain weight to save my life. To make a long story short, I read up on nutrition and weight training and realized my diet and lifting technique was horrible (I blame my bum shoulder on my dumb lifting form).

First of all, it is hard at 16 to gain weight, your metabolism is on hyperspeed. Like most of the other guys have mentioned, you are going to have to eat a lot of calories (ideally from good sources-cereals (carbs), lean meat (chicken, fish, and the occasional steak), and good fats (almonds are calorie dense).

Remember to eat a decent amount of protein (as well as carbs) within an hour of finishing your workout (so your body ddeosn't go into a catabolic state-ie breaking itself down for fuel).

In other words eat a lot, lift smart (ask for help-no shame in that), get good sleep, and when you are eating a lot of protein be sure to drink a lot of water. Sometimes I would force myself to eat.

By the way, when I started to train I was 18 and 170lbs and within 4 months I was at 185lbs (not cut, but when you gain weight you are going to gain some fat).

Your results may be slower or faster but stick with it.

Right now I am 24 and weigh 215lbs and am 6'2" (8% bodyfat)

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im 14 right now at 5'2-5'3 and im at about 115 pounds and about 7-9% body fat which is up in muscle weight from the 105 pounds and 11% body fat i was about 2 months ago. i was in the same position...not gaining weight at all, but recently i talked to a competion bodybuilder and he gave me some advice on gaining muscle weight:

-Take a protein supplement/shake 1 time when you get up and once after you workout/lift

-Eat plenty of food and plenty of foods high in protein

-Drink alot of water

-Get alot of sleep

-Workout 5-7 times a week (i include practice as a workout)

so far i've been gaining about a pound a week after 9-10 weeks and its definalty showing...

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