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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 Years Running..

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Which one would you be? The one with the helmet on I suppose ;)

yep lol standing back row bauer helmet lmao.. I gots helmet head!! :P

heres me before hockey --- lol half-dressed lmao michbw.jpg

Our team was 16 wins - 0 ties - 3 loses


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where do you guys play at? Organized Hockey sucks around me...I mean we have a couple of adult leagues, but nothing in terms of sponsors or playing local companies. And defiantly now organized championships. That would be fun. I need to move!

THats cool you have that! Congrats.

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Actually it was just started last year by a g/f of mine. She does a awesome job. Hard job but awesome. Its a small town outside Windsor. It's all in fun.

it's pretty slow compared to playing with the men on Fri & Sats.. but it keeps me goin :)

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...Looks like a Michigan hat...? If that is the case, you just got yourself some major "Cool Points."

It's all about State...

Great job by the way!

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...Looks like a Michigan hat...? If that is the case, you just got yourself some major "Cool Points."

Yea, it's a Michigan hat :) Teamate actually works there.. hehe.. can't remember what she does.. but she drives a nice BMW SUV so it must pay well :P

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