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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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dos cientos y ochenta

...That's Spanish for "Two hundred and eighty."

That's about as far as my 5 years in Spanish class has gotten me...

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I've been taking Spanish since I was in 7th grade (this year a Junior). It was manadory through 9th grade, but I figured I'd finish the sequence (along with about 13 or 14 other kids in my graduating class). I'll be taking it next year to finish off as a "Spanish V" student. Of course our teacher likes to think we're fairly fluent, I'd probably be fairly hard-pressed to manage simple communication were I somewhere in a Spanish-speaking country...

The number of different verb-forms is absolutely amazing...I still think the people that began speaking the language made them all up to confuze future students, like myself...

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dos cientos y ochenta

...That's Spanish for "Two hundred and eighty."

That's about as far as my 5 years in Spanish class has gotten me...

I know enough to ask impolite questions of a woman. 3 years of it a long time ago didn't hold up well.

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