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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Syns Vs. Syns Si-Core blades

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I know there some topic about it...i read 6 page on 10 page from what the research gave me...but i would like to have a clean answer...

So i got my L-2 blade has a replecement so i will trade it for another tapered blade! I used the synthesis Si-Core for 6 month...

1.Now i'm wondering if the synthesis Normal split the same has the Si-Core do??(my blade is splitting in the middle of the blade...not big,not deep but it starting...so i put 2 strip of tape...every 2-3 games...anywayz)

And...how would the feel difference would be??(but i never experience problem with blade feel(i must used 10 blades...)) so i'm wondering if this could be a big issue for me..


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Well the toe on my synth blade is starting to split after 3 weeks on and off use. My brothers has already split. Some of the fiber seems to be coming off the middle of the backhand. I'm buying a R2 or XV blade next never buying an easton comp again.

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Durabilty with both blades seems to be good, but sometimes inconsistent, at least for me. My Si-core blade is lasting just fine, and the last one I broke was right on the heel for to me, but I think thats just cause of the stick lie. If you want the better feel then go with the Inno,......er....uh, I mean Si-core.

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I have had both a normal synthesis blade and Si-core Z-carbon blade and I would definately say the feel is quite noticeable. Although for durability the toes seems to chip alot for me. I dunno if anyone else has had this happen.

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Hi, I have heaps of problems with the synthesis and si-core synthesis blades(like alot of people). They were lasting me 2-3 weeks. I have one of the newer batch of blades and it has lasted me 3 months(and still going). The newer batch of easton synthesis blades has a return rate of 3%, SO I HAVE BEEN TOLD! The way you can tell the newer batch for the older ones is the name of the curve (eg Modano) is on the part of the hosel that goes into the shaft, not on the bottom of the hosel were you can see it when its in the shaft like the older ones. Hope this helps!!

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I used a normal, zcarbon synthesis blade on my synthesis for a while and it held up pretty well after a month of using it, then I got a stealth and SL so I can't explain much after a month. My coach's synthesis SI-CORE blade split at the bottom after about 2 months of use though.

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