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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fury of One

Lace bite

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I am experiencing a good deal of lace bite with my 8090s. Any ideas on what I can do to help it? I already tried loosening my laces and it still happens. Thanks.

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When I was getting some lace bite with my nikes I just cut a thick sock into a 2 1/2" or so wide strip and wore it, it helped a bit.

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Places that cater to figure skaters should have similar pads that are less expensive. Otherwise try a thick cotton wrist band around your ankle.

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What exactly is lace bite??

It happens when you tie your skates kinda tight and the resulting pressure cause pain on a tendon in front of your foot/leg area. So it hurts everytime I flex my leg forward. I never experienced with my other skates, but the tongue on the 8090s is kinda thin.

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but the tongue on the 8090s is kinda thin.

Stiff skates, thin tongue and tight laces all contribute.

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My dad had some pretty bad lacebite with his 705's, so he went to our hockey shop to pick up this gel sleeve that you can put around the arch of your foot. It is made for figure skaters but still works well.

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