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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Glove question

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I am looking for some new gloves I currently have Hespeler EPS. I am looking for something with more protection. I have been looking into easton with smart cuff (I Know not very popular) for extra wrist protection as I am getting slashed and hooked alot this year. But I was in a store and tried the eagles.


I know these gloves are very passe but unlike most gloves today when you bend you wrist forward it still covered your wrist. Now I do wear eagle slash guards but find it hot wearing them. Has anyone tried these gloves and how are they for mobilty and protection?

Sorry for long post Sid

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Considering that he mentioned them in his post I would say so, :P.

I used to use Easton Z-Airs with the Wrist Wrap II. I did not mind the wrist wrap much because I flipped the velcro part around and attatched it to the inside of my glove. Lots of flex this way and you don't even notice the WW, but it still functions correctly. Only problem I had with Eastons was that they were a bitch to break in.

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I am looking for some new gloves I currently have Hespeler EPS. I am looking for something with more protection. I have been looking into easton with smart cuff (I Know not very popular) for extra wrist protection as I am getting slashed and hooked alot this year. But I was in a store and tried the eagles.


I know these gloves are very passe but unlike most gloves today when you bend you wrist forward it still covered your wrist. Now I do wear eagle slash guards but find it hot wearing them. Has anyone tried these gloves and how are they for mobilty and protection?

Sorry for long post Sid

Wristguards maybe? :D

1) Many companies make them

2) They are cheaper than buying a new pair of gloves

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Easton's smart cuff isn't so bad. But personally, i'd just get some good wrist guard(sweatband type) from eagle or easton. They dont restrict motion at all and give you protection from hooks and small slashes.

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