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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i love getting under people's skins on the ice, especially the ones you KNOW will react to it. just the constant chatter, the love taps in the back of the legs all shift long, etc.

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All the guys I know who are assholes on the ice are assholes off the ice.

i have to disagree with you there. i know guys that do non-stop talking on the ice and do dirty shit all over the place, but off the ice there really good guys.

i love to get under guys skin too, and when they try to get under your skin just smile, blow kisses and wink, then they get more pissed.

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All the guys I know who are assholes on the ice are assholes off the ice.

i have to disagree with you there.

So you know the guys I'm talking about?

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All the guys I know who are assholes on the ice are assholes off the ice.

i have to disagree with you there.

So you know the guys I'm talking about?

hahaha thats funny :P . does anybody other then me get their hair made fun of on the ice? :lol:

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All the guys I know who are assholes on the ice are assholes off the ice.

Different strokes for different folks...

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All the guys I know who are assholes on the ice are assholes off the ice.

Different strokes for different folks...

Now the world don't move to the beat of just one drum...

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