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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Any good comebacks?

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I know it's a bit late for it, but I always use a Ralph quote from The Simpsons. Say somehting like, " My cats breath smells like cat food." or, "I bent my Wookie." My favorite though before a faceoff is... "I choo-choo choose you!!"

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Sometimes when I line up for a faceoff I ask the guy across from me if he's ready for his ass whoopin'. They usually just laugh 'cause 90% of the league is better than me. :lol:

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"I choo-choo choose you!!"

Now, watch closely, you can see the precise moment his heart breaks into a million pieces... right... HERE.

I dress myself.

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The doctor said I'd stop getting nose bleeds if I kept my fingure out of there.

**FuryOfOne, that is the hottest avatar I have seen yet....where did you get that?

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I have some good ones but I don't want to offend anybody here....lol.

exactly, the best ones I've used can't be repeated. I still ike the one line from Caddyshack;

"You uncle molests collies."

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My first reaction was the same as others: Slash his hands! I guess a few verbal ones would include:

What time does the short bus pick you guys up?

Yeah, keep talking trash, S**t for brains, my mom's tough too when she hides behind the ref.

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The doctor said I'd stop getting nose bleeds if I kept my fingure out of there.

**FuryOfOne, that is the hottest avatar I have seen yet....where did you get that?

Thanks. I saw it and was like, Oh Canada! I think my friend sent me a link to a funny image or something so I looked through a few more on the site and found that one.

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Last night my game this guy on the other team was getting pissed because I skated around him a few times. So he trys to hit me in the corner and ran right into the boards. He yells out "stop being a pussy and take a hit" I answerd with why dont you catch me first. A few shifts later I was rushing the puck and he tried to hit me again but this time he crushed his own player as I skated past him.

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I still think you gotta be relevant for it to be a true comeback. For the gloves thing, just say that "they're for your mom tonight, she ain't satisfied with you" or somethin like that (if you don't get that, dont' ask).

BTW nice avatar whoever had that "mooseknuckle".....hahahahaha :lol:

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I'm a pretty big trash talker on the ice myself. I pissed this kid off pretty bad and a big fight happened in the penalty box.

What I do...

1. *Point at the score* (Only if you're winning)

2. *Sarcasm* Haha you're funny.

3. *Do chirping hand gesture* "Buddy, you talk as much as you weigh"

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I'm a pretty big trash talker on the ice myself. I pissed this kid off pretty bad and a big fight happened in the penalty box.

What I do...

1. *Point at the score* (Only if you're winning)

2. *Sarcasm* Haha you're funny.

3. *Do chirping hand gesture* "Buddy, you talk as much as you weigh"

just make sure when you point at the score board you add a big goofy smirk to go along with it :P

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What I do before a draw in an actual game when a sorry ass lad is chirpin' away is as follows:

I make sure the ref. is not looking at the two of us (centers) while correcting the wingers' position and I give the son of a b*tch either a strong, quick hack to the front of the ankle (below the shinguard) or I turn my my stick over and give 'em a strong, quick hack with the toe of Sir Drury/Kovalchuk to the laces. Believe me, the f*cker sure as hell feels it...

In any other situation I either laugh in their face, start a bit of a scrum, or in some cases, drop the mitts...

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or I turn my my stick over and give 'em a strong, quick hack with the toe of Sir Drury/Kovalchuk to the laces.

I had a guy do that in one of my games and his coach couldn't understand how his player got a 5 for spearing. The coach ended up running his mouth long enough to get tossed.

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i just do little cheap things the whole game to everyone and i can draw quite a few penaltys ,when i get insulted i laugh and nail them and make a few of their shifts hell(without being too cheap or getting off my game) ,im a decent actor too ,i can make the littlest hook look horrible but i dont go like crazy, i dont dive or anything but if it is a cheapshot i will make it look pretty bad ,i havent gotten caught ever but once i get on the bench i cant beleive what i did.

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Why would someone talk trash to you throughout the game? Because they think they're getting under your skin, causing you to think about them rather than the game.

So turn the tables on them. Get them thinking about you rather than the game. How do you do that? By letting them know their games don't bother you. Tell them, "Sure thing, bud." Trust me, they'll either eventually give up, or they'll keep trying too hard, increasing the chances they'll do something stupid and have a penalty called against them.

Just don't give up the man advantage by doing something stupid back..... :huh:

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I got a guy a couple weeks ago with one of my favorites, "I know you suck, but do you spit or swallow?" Then skate away and let him ponder that for a few seconds.

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or I turn my my stick over and give 'em a strong, quick hack with the toe of Sir Drury/Kovalchuk to the laces.

I had a guy do that in one of my games and his coach couldn't understand how his player got a 5 for spearing. The coach ended up running his mouth long enough to get tossed.

That's why I do it when no one is looking...

If any of you guys noticed, Jeff Carter does the same thing when the refs arn't looking. He's always looking for a way to get the other center tossed from the draw...

And yes, many do want to take my head off, but you know what, you can be the biggest asshole on the ice and be a great guy off the ice. I always keep that in mind. I just leave what happens on the ice, on the ice...

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