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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Has anyone seen these new inline pucks?

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Has anyone seen these inline/outdoor pucks. They are called the fly puck and the phat puck. To those of you who don't know, the fly puck is 4oz and the phat puck is 8oz. I have never actually seen these things in person. I was hoping somebody here has actually see or used one and could tell me if they are worth the money? I work for a hockey store and am considering ordering them. However, when i contacted the company they said they didn't send out demo's because their product was so great they didn't need to. Naturally that pissed me off, and usually i would just tell that company to go to hell....but I'm really curious to see if those pucks are actually any good.

So if anyone has used one of these pucks please let me know what you think of them.

I almost forgot, their website is www.encorehockey.com. Check it out and let me know what you guys think of it. I guess they retail for around $10.00 for the 4oz and probably $12 for the 8oz.

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whats better ? this puck or this smarthockey traingball ?

I would imagine that the puck would feel more like an ice puck.

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Theres a video on that site............What dumbass uses a synergy on asphalt?

A dumbass who gets free sticks or has no other use for that particular stick?

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Theres a video on that site............What dumbass uses a synergy on asphalt?

that canadian from full house (jesse i think) was using a si core in the surreal life

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What dumbass uses a synergy on asphalt?

Ive been using synergys/stealths on concrete for quite some time. As long as you tape the blade regularly, the blades will be fine. In most cases, the blades have gone soft way before they wore down or cracked.

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Theres a video on that site............What dumbass uses a synergy on asphalt?

My Freind lets me use his Si-core for roadhockey.

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i got one the other day actually from The Hockeyshop after school.

it's not meant for shooting, just stickhandling and i must say it is quite nice in comparison to the cheapy orange plastic pucks that you can get @ crappy tire for something like 99cents. (wouldn't really know for regular roller hockey pucks).

it glides quite nice in my garage as well as the cement out on my driveway and is pretty hefty compared to other street pucks i've used...so...

yeah it was overpriced, but i was looking for something to try outdoors since i don't wanna use my smarthockey ball, and regular ice pucks just don't cut it cause they flop around everywhere.

i'd say it's like a smarthockey ball for outside use, i really have nothing bad to say about it other than the fact it cost me something like $11.99 cdn + tax.

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i wouldn't buy the fly puck. i had one, and it broke after a few weeks of use, broke right in two pieces, i wouldn't recommend it IMO

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