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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roenick curve

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Well, after my failed experiment with a V120 blade in my z bubble (the toe all but shattered in 3 games) I'm switching back to wood blades. I ordered some Roenick blades form Totalhockey.net. I've never seen one in person other than the old X ABS ones I have for street hockey(bought in 1994).

I currently have a Modano Fibre plus in the shaft. Any input form the board as to what I can expect in the Roenick curve(wood).

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I hope this helps:

It is similar to the Drury retail/Yzerman Pro pattern.

Thats the Roenick Pro Pattern. If it is the RP its a drury with a fair bit less loft and I believe a different lie.

This is from another Roenick curve thread

Since nobody answered your question, I will try.

The Roenick that you are asking about from a couple of years back was more like the Shanahan of today.

Styles 97 is JR's pro pattern, which is cloned by many other companies for pro players.

EDIT: My understanding of the "RP" pattern is that it was JR's first pattern. I do believe Styles 97 is different, although I could be mistaken.

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Yzerman/Thornton big?

Yes, 3/4" or so. I have seen some closeouts floating around that are different though.

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Live and learn, we'll see. That's what happens when you buy over the net, and not your local shop. Not that mine has a large amount of L handed blades this time of year.

Thanks guys.

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Got the blades....they're different from what I expected. Almost like a Recchi blade. If someone can help me on how to add pics to my posts I'll try to get them today.

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