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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Michigan Move

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When I do Michigan Move in roller hockey, it goes well :unsure: .

But on the ice, it's an other thing, I can't get the puck up on my blade :unsure: .

Have you any tips so that it goes well?

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Don't waste your time. Try that in a game and you'll have a target on your back for the full 60 minutes.

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wax of course helps a little

if you practice it in ice alot it can be just as easy as roller, but dont pracitice when the chance of you pulling it off in a game and actually scoring is very slim

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Boys, he asked for tips on how to do it..

Get your center of gravity nice and low to the ice, first off. Cup your blade over the puck, and tip it on its side, a tiny bit. Quickly turn your wrists and then it should be up there. Since you already have the move down from roller, keep practicing on ice. It will improve really quickly. Also, if you are finding it feeling too slippery, wax up your blade and then give it a go.

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Plan on getting your arse kicked if you do that in game. Where is the respect boys? You don't need to do circus crap to show people you are good.

I nno wat ur saying in the Denve C.C game the denver player tryed to do the michagan move in the game and he missed the net the coach went crazy on him and he did not get to play the rest of the game

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The only way id maybe even try that move in a game is if your team was up by alot and you were messing around and i probly wouldnt even do it than because you would be embarrasing the other team.

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No, use the curve you are comfortable with. It will just make it harder if you try to adjust to a 'better' curve.

IMO, this move is great. I personally think it is creative and shys away from the traditional parts of the game, which sometimes can be bad, but in this situation I find it to be positive. It's fun to do when you are screwing around, it's fun to do when you're not..that's just my opinion.

I haven't wasted that much time 'perfecting' it because I started doing it last year and it took me a couple of pond hockey times to get it down pat.

All just MO..

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IMO, this move is great. I personally think it is creative and shys away from the traditional parts of the game, which sometimes can be bad, but in this situation I find it to be positive.

It was creative for the first couple of guys who did it. Now it's just copying someone and trying to be cool.

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I don't mind this move, if the person wants to try it in a 3-3 game. But if it's just some douche in a 5-0 game he deserves to be destroyed.

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I don't mind this move, if the person wants to try it in a 3-3 game. But if it's just some douche in a 5-0 game he deserves to be destroyed.

Like if a guy's team had a 4 goal lead and he used it to score on a powerplay?

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Well, in my case it's okay in my mind to do it since I did the same exact move about a year before the guy from Barrie or wherever pulled it.

It was funny, I was at my LHS the other day and this kid walks in and is talking to 3 of the rink rats standing in the shop. He says, you guys see that move they showed on ESPN? The guy pulled a Michigan through his legs, did a 360 and blew it by the goalie...

The 3 kids looked at the kid and said, yea, well, you see that kid over there (pointing in my direction), he pulled that move last summer here at the showcase tournament in the finals...

Not to brag, but I just like getting the recognition for doing it first...

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Well, in my case it's okay in my mind to do it since I did the same exact move about a year before the guy from Barrie or wherever pulled it.

It was funny, I was at my LHS the other day and this kid walks in and is talking to 3 of the rink rats standing in the shop. He says, you guys see that move they showed on ESPN? The guy pulled a Michigan through his legs, did a 360 and blew it by the goalie...

The 3 kids looked at the kid and said, yea, well, you see that kid over there (pointing in my direction), he pulled that move last summer here at the showcase tournament in the finals...

Not to brag, but I just like getting the recognition for doing it first...

And I saw roller hockey guys doing the same thing 4 years ago.

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IMO, this move is great. I personally think it is creative and shys away from the traditional parts of the game, which sometimes can be bad, but in this situation I find it to be positive.

It was creative for the first couple of guys who did it. Now it's just copying someone and trying to be cool.

Well, here when you are playing the good ol' Alberta hockey, it is 10000x more creative than the fricken Dump and Chase :rolleyes:

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And I saw roller hockey guys doing the same thing 4 years ago.

lol honestly, I saw a guy do something more difficult at 97 usa inline nationals.

and yes, on the PP with a lead if someone picked it up they deserve to get killed. but if a guy is just setting up behind the net in a tie game...picks it up, pulls it on the goalie, then it's not bad.

But normally the kids who are touching the puck in a close game like that, wouldn't do it. It's the kids with marginal hands and that's all which will try to do it whether they're up 7 or down 7.

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and yes, on the PP with a lead if someone picked it up they deserve to get killed. but if a guy is just setting up behind the net in a tie game...picks it up, pulls it on the goalie, then it's not bad.

But normally the kids who are touching the puck in a close game like that, wouldn't do it. It's the kids with marginal hands and that's all which will try to do it whether they're up 7 or down 7.

If I'm not mistaken that was the situation when Crosby did it.

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Yeah, Crosby did it in a blowout then celebrated like crazy. I guess he gets a half-pass for being 16 playing against 20 year olds. But it's still low-class

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IMO, this move is great. I personally think it is creative and shys away from the traditional parts of the game, which sometimes can be bad, but in this situation I find it to be positive.

It was creative for the first couple of guys who did it. Now it's just copying someone and trying to be cool.

i really wouldnt say that by doing the move people are trying to be cool. If you play enough hockey its something youll pick up, and its ok to have with it. its just a fun move to play with when youre messing around, in practices guys are always trying to top each other, just about everybody i play with can do the michigan, and several variances of it, none of us have ever tried it in a game

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Yeah, Crosby did it in a blowout then celebrated like crazy. I guess he gets a half-pass for being 16 playing against 20 year olds. But it's still low-class

I didn't think he celebrated hardly at all, but then again I only saw a short 2 second clip right after the goal.

As for doing the move... don't worry so much about tipping the puck on your blade. Make sure the puck is towards the heel, get the blade flat on the ice, and flex the stick down as your pulling the puck backwards in the same motion. Practice is the best advice, I had it down after 10 or 20 mins but like everyone else said don't use it in a game for all of the above reasons. Unfortunatly I'll have a strong tendancy to headhunt a guy after trying that move during a game... It's a practice/stick time move.

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Yeah, Crosby did it in a blowout then celebrated like crazy. I guess he gets a half-pass for being 16 playing against 20 year olds. But it's still low-class

That was when Crosby pushed away his teammate so he could celebrate by himself.

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ya but he was only the second guy to do it in a high level of hockey of hockey and from what i hear hes not 2 bad a player also

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