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Canada's WC Roster

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Not much to say really. It's hard to say who "should" be there considering some haven't played all year while others can. I would've liked to have seen McCabe and Bertuzzi there, but there may be reasons why they aren't. I haven't really been paying attention to the invites. I'm not too pleased with some of the guys, but like I said, I don't know the "pool" they had to choose from.


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Agreed on McCabe. Unless there are other factors we don't know about, he could be getting screwed over again after having a Norris-worthy season. I'd definitely put him above Phillips, Boyle, and Hannan, and level with Redden, unless they all got really good this season.

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I'd like to see a few guys off. It'd be nice to see Bert re-instated, but thats out of Tambellini's hands. I am not a fan of Regerh, Hannahan, or Phillips so I can see the D being a big hole. Fisher is the only guy on forward I really object to.

World Championship happens every year, mostly filled with 1 round knockouts and non-playoff players. World Cup, just happens every few years, I don't think there is a pattern to the years, but I definately could be wrong.

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Yeah, other than fisher and possibly maltby/draper the offense is great.

I wonder if Russia will be able to field a real team, or if it'll be patchwork like the world cup.

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They're loving those too wings since they grinded it out in the WC a few year or so ago. I don't mind that at all, I do with a better field to choose from, but not in something like this. I am still anxious to see Morrow get some playing time, I've only ever seen him play an exhibition game with team Canada before.

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I think Souray will be a big guy on the team...and I'm not just saying that 'causse I'm a Hab fan.

He's another high 90's slapper from the point...can't hurt.

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I've just always been under the impression of, if you're playing against europeans, you should use as many mobile blue liners as you can.

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The defense is fine and as noted, mobility isn't such a bad thing. I actually think Souray is a bit overrated. I'm just happy to see some younger guys get a chance.

Bertuzzi will probably be waiting a while unless the NHL is desperate to make sure fans in Vancouver don't stay pissed.

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Glad to see Boyle get some respect that he really deserves. I believe that most will be pleasantly suprised at how good he really is. He is very mobile and is very good at moving the puck in transition.

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Bertuzzi will probably be waiting a while unless the NHL is desperate to make sure fans in Vancouver don't stay pissed.

Word on the street is he wants out of the big V. I think Regehr and Hannan both looked terrible at last WC, but hopefully a less talented field will help them out a bit. Maybe the last add on will be Crosby? I wouldn't mind seeing it, but think there are more deserving players out there.

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Bertuzzi will probably be waiting a while unless the NHL is desperate to make sure fans in Vancouver don't stay pissed.

Word on the street is he wants out of the big V. I think Regehr and Hannan both looked terrible at last WC, but hopefully a less talented field will help them out a bit. Maybe the last add on will be Crosby? I wouldn't mind seeing it, but think there are more deserving players out there.

Unfortunately, Crosby won't be out there anytime soon, Rimouski is still in the playoffs. If they get knocked out..which I hope they don't because I might go to Mem Cup and would love to see him play London, but if they do..maybe he will be there?

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mccabe are u kidding me the guy is terrible! He got cut from his Swedish team. The only reason anyone ever talks about him is becasue he plays for the leafs

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I'd have him behind Jovo and on par with Redden. He also quit the Sweedish team. It's no coincidence that he left just as the Labour talks were starting back up. I've heard he was out of shape though.

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McCabe has proven that he's horrible on the big ice surface.

They left a spot on the team open - its suspected that they are waiting on Bertuzzi's reinstatement by Bettman, and failing that, Martin St Louis' availability following the birth of his child.

I think Tambellini will be pushing Bettman hard for Bert to be on this team.

As for Bertuzzi wanting out, it seems very unlikely.

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They left a spot on the team open - its suspected that they are waiting on Bertuzzi's reinstatement by Bettman, and failing that, Martin St Louis' availability following the birth of his child.

I think Tambellini will be pushing Bettman hard for Bert to be on this team.

As for Bertuzzi wanting out, it seems very unlikely.

Bertuzzi will not be reinstated in time for the WC. Bettman doesn't want to let him back in after serving a minimal suspension, especially with Moore still having symptoms. He won't be reinstated for at least a month after next season starts. I would hope Tambellini is trying to pressure the NHL through the press and I don't see it working in this case.

I have heard some rumors of him asking out. I read stories from two different sources indicating he wanted to relocate. I'm not sure what they will get for him as he's going to be UFA pretty soon and has a bit of a cloud hanging over his head.

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McCabe has a habit of choking in big games.

I think I'm the only person who will say this but Sydor for me as always been a rock at the back, makes great first passes and can start a rush.

I thought in the Cup final last year he was phenominal. kind of player you really have to stare at on the rink, but when you watch him he just makes so many little plays so well.

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