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Canada's WC Roster

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Russia's forwards are amazing, but their defense and goaltending are looking pretty sketchy right now. Did Zherdev not get an invite?

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It seems like the traditional powerhouses (Sweden, USA, Russia, Canada) are turning over their international rosters. This might have been induced by the usual veterans' not playing during the lockout, but if this works out this year perhaps future World Cups / World Championships will use younger players.

I wonder who will play for the Czech Republic?

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I like both Regehr and Hannan, but in limited roles Not team Canada material for me, let alone World Cup Team Canada material (last summer). I thought they were both embarassed game in and game out. Phaneuf? Ya, I just don't like him, but he did play well in the WJC championship game.

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i'd rather fast shifty defence than immobile tanks out there. grinders don't fare well in a game of speed against europeans.

i think maltby, draper, and morrow will be a very effective line for canada, as they can score, hit, pass, and skate. they do it all out there

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Canada has chosen to go traditional NA way - not too much flair, but lots of hard nose players. One can expect a lot of effort.., but finesse and excitement will be provided by their European opponents ;) :D I think Canada will depend on Heatly, he is a world class player who can really play on the big ice.

PS Does anybody else think that the Czechs are most uncomfortable team for the Canadiens? Their (czechs) style just seems to cancel out NA style the most. I got this impression for the first time in Nagano '98 (when czechs have handsomly outplayed US and Canada) every time since then. Even when the czechs have lost to Canada, it still seemed to be more of a matter of luck... :)

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I think that Canada tried to go the talented route, but when you have your potential two lines say no, you tend to go a different direction.

I agree about the Cze, but the trap matches up well every country.

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I think that Canada tried to go the talented route, but when you have your potential two lines say no, you tend to go a different direction.

You mean that the players have actually refused to play for their country? :blink: I thought that only the Russians do that :rolleyes:

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This isnt such a big deal as the World Cup so i think THE Players who said no didnt realy give it a second thought. PLus the team is looking stronger. Maltby, Morrow, Draper these are the players that are key in winning big games. WHy U think the wings are so good. Ya and McCabe for sure should of been choosen. Phillps?? wtf

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didn't a lot of them refuse to play for canada because they haven't been playing all year, and can't get in shape fast enough?

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I remember Hannan shutting down top lines all through the play-off run a couple years ago. He's a great worker. You've got to fill roles, not just pick the top offensive guys. Draper, Maltby and Doan were amazing when paired together. Thornton played quite a different role than he's used to last year, along with others.

I think Canada's team will do just fine, especially since other countries are missing big guns as well. Take Sundin, Naslund and Forsberg (maybe a couple others) from Sweden and that changes their looks in a hurry.

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phillips is a away more reliable d-man then Mccabe he would be caught out of position as much as McCabe or take as many dumb penalties as McCabe takes which is a hell of a lot. He has well over a 100 pim. every year except for last

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McCabe is a top tier defenseman, Phillips is top 6 maybe top 5 on his team. You don't get to be a +22 when your running around out of position all of the time. Phillips isn't bad at +15, but take into account Redden and Chara are matched up against opposing teams best players and Ottawa rolls a few scoring lines. Sourray also had over 100 PIMS, Jovo's over a 100 pims when he plays a full season. I am a Leafs fan, thats obvious, but McCabe CAN change games. He has a bullet shot, good speed and his defensive zone play has greatly improved. He plays against other teams top lines night in and night out, and draws 30+ minutes whenever needed. I actually like Phillips, but really, you cannot even put him in the same class. McCabe is a world class defenseman, a step below Pronger, Blake and the likes in my book. I don't see anyone on the blueline, other than Redden and Jovo who can play on his level. I haven't seen Boyle play alot, so I cannot comment on him, but Phillips, Regehr and Hannan are good NHL D, however these are the best of the best and I feel they aren't upto par. Not as much as the others at least.

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i think regher is one of the top dmen in the league. he rarely loses 1 on 1 battles. hes got a bullet of a shot, 103 mph, i was there during the flames skills comp. he hits hard, and has no problem blocking shots. him and redden are easily the best dmen out of the group.

McCabe isnt that great of a dman, he's always going for the big hits, taking himself out of position. dont get me wrong, those hits are great, but he needs to pick which plays he should end the guys life, or just stay in good position.

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phillips is solid, we almost never makes mistakes, hes just one of those quiet players.

I agree Phillips is a good Solid D. However already having Hannan and Regehr who both do the job better. I'm sure we could sit down, and make up a list of 20-30 Canadian D, who are good Solid, but not great D-men. I equate Phillips playing to when Zamuner was picked for the Olympic roster.

Regehr - I agree good D, but I don't see him as a "top-tier" guy, not yet at least. Big guy, never loses a 1 on 1 battle, but good Defensemen never really do. I think when McCabe gets himself into trouble is when he tries to do too much, but with the solid core the Canadian D does have, he wouldn't have to worry about holding up both pairings. He's honestly been alot more conservative the last few years before the Lock-out

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I think his European adventure hurt him, its the only reason I can see him not being on the squad. He went over with a very non-professional attitude and ended up leaving because of his player Rep status.

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I think his European adventure hurt him, its the only reason I can see him not being on the squad. He went over with a very non-professional attitude and ended up leaving because of his player Rep status.

He has been traded a few times and it seems they get less in return every time. Add that to the SEL fiasco and it makes you wonder a little bit.

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i think mccabe would have trouble with the european game but I also think all of Canada's d might have trouble other then Jovo and Boyle

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I think McCabe would have an easy time adjusting because he is a good skater and likes to use all of the ice. Any particular reasons why you don't think he'd do well?

- Walker in.... not Bert :(

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I think McCabe would have an easy time adjusting because he is a good skater and likes to use all of the ice. Any particular reasons why you don't think he'd do well?

- Walker in.... not Bert :(

He didn't do well in his stint in the SEL.

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Like I said, the more I read, the more he wasn't prepared to play. This is going more in a "he's not a good player" debate than a should he be on the roster.

From what I've read I wouldn't have picked him either (I know changed stances), but its more because he isn't conditioned to than anything else. In the SEL he wasn't physically or mentally ready from everything I've read. He didn't stick around, he had alot of other duties and his condition was apperantly sub par.

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off topic but i am going to watch Team Canada practice tomorrow. i'm pritty excited. altho its just a practice ive never been to an nhl game or seen the pro's up close. i really wanted to go to the exibition game here but tickets are way to much for my sorry ass.

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