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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mini sticks and airplanes?

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One of my friends told me that you can not bring mini sticks in carry-on's anymore. I havent brought mine for awhile so I was wondering is he telling me B.S. or is this true.

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I don't get why you'd even want to bring them on as carry on. What are you going to do, play hockey in the asile? That'll work out well until the drink cart comes along.

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Maybe he just wanted them in his toy bag or something. Whenever I used to take the train all over the place I would have a bag full of toys to play with in my seat and in the aisle.

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I don't get why you'd even want to bring them on as carry on. What are you going to do, play hockey in the asile? That'll work out well until the drink cart comes along.

He must be one of those kids the rest of us want to pummel on long flights.

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Ahh, good ol' Slap Shot. That movie had every hockey stero type ever. " Who own the Chief", "OWNS, OWNS!", haha. Anyways onto the topic, I would just put them in with my normal luggage, then you don't hafta carry them around.

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a couple years ago, I bought a ministick at an airport. i was allowed to bring it on board as a carry-on. But the rules are different now. Being in a Canadian air port may have something to do with it too.

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man i miss the days when our team would play knee hockey or whatever else u like to call it, i'm only 16 but everyone else is to mature to play, so i shoot against the wall in my hotel room... pathetic

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Dude you can never be too old for knee hockey!! Unless your really old and you get stuck on the floor or something...Make sure you pick up one of those Vapor XX mini sticks!

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