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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Modanoish curve help....

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Anyone know any retail/pro patterns that would be exactly like a modo clone, but with a 5.5 lie? I saw stuart, but it didne look really close, and I dont want to get a vector blade

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i actually found the stuart easier to dangle and shoot with, personally. dont know why, but it was easier to work with the toe. pretty sure the other clones are the same lie or less than the modo.

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That's pretty cool. But how do you guys get to sample so many blades/curves? Do you buy that many and constantly change what's in your shaft(s)?

I'd love to try more out, but I'm not sure how I can...that's a lot of blades, shafts and stick and pucks!


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Check Christian out. You can order their #1 pattern (Modano clone) in ANY lie you want (you do have to by six though). Here:


I just hooked up a member with a discount on some. They're great blades and I love mine.

is there a difference in the wraps, and does the extra glass make a difference? these are essentially harrow blades right?

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Check Christian out. You can order their #1 pattern (Modano clone) in ANY lie you want (you do have to by six though). Here:


I just hooked up a member with a discount on some. They're great blades and I love mine.

is there a difference in the wraps, and does the extra glass make a difference? these are essentially harrow blades right?

We'll find out in a couple weeks what the extra fiberglass wrap does. The order in question included the additional wrap. I'm not sure what the Harrow blades are like but there are several changes from the Christian blades last year, all for the better.

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Hey kovalchuk71, let me know if you're interested in ordering some of these blades. I might be interested in trying a couple and could go in with you on the order. I like the Modano curve, but would like it even more in a 5.5 lie.

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