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The infamous Fox glowing puck

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I remember watching games several years back with the Fox glowing puck...what ended those? Were they too bouncy or did they break a lot? I've always been curious as to why that died...

It annoyed me, but I still hear people argue that they can never see the puck when they watch hockey...

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I remember watching games several years back with the Fox glowing puck...what ended those? Were they too bouncy or did they break a lot? I've always been curious as to why that died...

It annoyed me, but I still hear people argue that they can never see the puck when they watch hockey...

It died because everyone in hockey complained about it.

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Ya I remember those. They only showed up on TV. I think that I heard that alot of the hard core hockey fans didn't like them. Remember the game where the puck went into the stands and the person who ended up with it wouldn't give it back? They used the TV camera to find it..

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Ya but it seems that they wanted those because of the device that made them show up on TV. Could be wrong about it, but I swear I remember it happening.

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Ya but it seems that they wanted those because of the device that made them show up on TV. Could be wrong about it, but I swear I remember it happening.

They were $300 each but I recall Fox saying that it didn't matter to them as each one had a limited amount of battery life.

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its a good idea, but they shouldnt of tried it

What the hell kind of logic is that? If it was a good idea, they should have tried it and stuck to the idea. If it was a BAD idea they shouldn't have tried it.

Try to make some sense and don't just post because you have nothing better to do.

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i have good ideas, but i never try some of them

what i meant was that if they did spend 300 dollars for a puck, they should of not done it.

300 isnt much for nhl, but that 300 could of changed something else rather then the puck.

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i have good ideas, but i never try some of them

what i meant was that if they did spend 300 dollars for a puck, they should of not done it.

300 isnt much for nhl, but that 300 could of changed something else rather then the puck.

Considering the millions of dollars they spent on the contract and promotion of the sport a couple hundred thousand on a puck that made it easier for fans to see wasn't much. More viewers mean more advertising money and they were trying to bring in more people who had no history of watching hockey.

You'll never know if your ideas are any good if you don't try them.

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The puck was a bit of a gimmick for the TV audience. Some claimed the game was hard to follow because the puck was so small, and it would go out of sight along the near boards when televised.

It had a blue shadow around it when it was moving around the ice, when it moved at a speed over 40 or 50 mph it had a red tail on it and the speed of the pass/shot would pop up in a corner of the tv screen. Again, to make it easy for the casual observer to follow and get an idea of how fast everything was going.

Canadian fans scoffed at the whole thing, and US fans already understood the game so it was no help to them, mostly a distraction. It attracted so few new fans it was dropped.

Give Fox credit for trying, even if it was misguided.

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The comet tail was the worst part. A lot of long time hockey fans I know actually liked the fact you could see where the puck was in a scrum along the boards.

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I was told by a former linesman that the puck would almost never drop flat on a faceoff... I still don't have a clue why that is but whatever. Wasn't there also an issue in that they couldn't put the pucks on ice/freeze them before the game?

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No you didn't

I was told by a former linesman that the puck would almost never drop flat on a faceoff... I still don't have a clue why that is but whatever. Wasn't there also an issue in that they couldn't put the pucks on ice/freeze them before the game?

I believe they could be chilled but not frozen.

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What you posted has nothing to do with our discussion. I'm sorry I wasn't as clear as Eazy was. I made the assumpion you would be able to realize that wasn't the $300 puck that Fox used while televising NHL games.

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I used to love the HHOF commercials with the American businessman who would come in and say " we can't follow your puck" and then they just threw him out of the room. Priceless.

Again though, like Chadd, it was a good concept for seeing where it was along the boards.

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