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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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the best pair of skates you can buy

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Also, the ones that everyone else has said in the numerous other threads on the same topic. But of course those topics are in the correct forum.

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You both get a lot of complaints because not only are your topics repeats of previously covered topics, they're usually pointless and full of terrible grammar and spelling.

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shouldnt this be in the equipment forum anyways?

this belongs in the "topic beaten to death" forum, next to "what iz ur name and age?!?!?" and "what (piece of equipment) should i buy?" topics

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i know how ya feel cardinal, i get lots of complaints about my topics...

i think the v-12's are the best skates form last year.

...maybe you two should start a support group. I'm thinking the P.P.A.: Pointless Posters Anonymous. You guys would probably end up with alot of members; just go and put information up on the EMB, and watch the number rise...and rise...and rise...

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i would have to say either the vapor XX's or the XXX's. i also like my XV's that i just got recently

are you kidding me???

first off, just about every competitive player that i have seen or spoken to with the XX's have complained that they break down after 6 months. with the XXX's, they have not been around long enough to really speak of durablility.

not sure about you, but i don't really like to spend that amount of money on a product that won't even last a season.

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i know how ya feel cardinal, i get lots of complaints about my topics...

i think the v-12's are the best skates form last year.

...maybe you two should start a support group. I'm thinking the P.P.A.: Pointless Posters Anonymous. You guys would probably end up with alot of members; just go and put information up on the EMB, and watch the number rise...and rise...and rise...

LOL you're right, EMB went to hell.

Eherbo and Cardnial, heres some advice for all your future topics/posts. 1. Like it has been said many times, use the search, 2. What is the best stick, skate and what gear should I get ECT, Is about the noobiest question someone could ask, so save everyone the trouble. 3. Post topics in the right fourm. 4. Dont post useless topics/posts. 5. Try to spend the extra one and a half seconds to spell out words, and try not to use bad grammar. If these simple guidelines can be followed people wont jump down your throats. :D

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