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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When is it time for new skates?

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Hi folks.

This is an easy question to ask, but a lot tougher to answer:

How do you know it's time for new skates?

Let me get the obvious answer over with -- it depends. But I'm interested in learning it depends on what?

It's obvious many people buy new skates just to have the latest and greatest, and if you can afford that -- great. Also, if you're still growing and your skates don't fit, that's a no brainer as well. Now for the rest of us.

Do you need new skates when the stiffness is gone? How do you know you need more stiffness?

What else should be considered when you're looking at your current skates and wondering if you need new ones?



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Here are some obvious ones:

Rivets coming loose or falling out are signs the footbed is falling apart

Skate is wearing through in certain areas

Tendon guard is broken through or falling off

Stitching is coming out

Lining is ripped apart

Not so obvious one:

Stiffness around your foot is gone. It's fine if the skates aren't super stiff around your ankles but if there is movement around your foot, it's time to replace them.

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I had a tough time getting rid of my '00 ccm 1052 tacks cuz they cost me so much and I'm a poor college student, but they were just breaking down. The left skate had a terrible squeeking problem that I thought was a problem with the prolites or the blade. I had both replaced and the noise/movement remained. The stitching was coming out as well, so I figured it was time to get some new skates. What bothered me most was that I only used them for 1 real hockey season, a handful of pickup games outdoors, and a couple short intramural seasons in college. I'm a big guy, 6-3 240, and tough on skates i guess...but I still expected a little more durability. Needless to say, I went with some new 'cosmetic blemished' vapor XV's...but am expecting durability issues, and for the price I payed, it won't bother me too much.

whew...long, useless post i guess

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Here are some obvious ones:

Rivets coming loose or falling out are signs the footbed is falling apart

Skate is wearing through in certain areas

Tendon guard is broken through or falling off

Stitching is coming out

Lining is ripped apart

Not so obvious one:

Stiffness around your foot is gone. It's fine if the skates aren't super stiff around your ankles but if there is movement around your foot, it's time to replace them.

What he said. Special emphasis on footbed rot (from the rivets rusting through the footbed), and boot stiffness going (chasis roll, side/ankle support, footbed curling up / spacing between chasis and footbed, etc).

Some people prefer the slipper soft skates though, so the stiffness is one of personal preference.

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Good info...thanks for the tip. Although battered and bruised on the outside I think my skates have another year or two in them.

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