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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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big ben

New skates, one rides weird.

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Just bought some new bauer supremes with the custom + holders. Well the left skate is perfectly fine but the right skate feels really really wobbly. I noticed that they had not been sharpened with a real deep hollow like i normally get. Had the pro shop guy check the hardware and it was all tight, so i don't know. I can't tell if the blades are bent or anything, proshop guy said it wasn't. I can pick my right foot up and glide on the left skate and it tracks totally straight, but the right one just wobbles back and forth, feels as if the skate is not tight at all.

Do i need a deeper hollow? Or take em back from where I got them.

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When I got new skates online (yeah, I know....) the sharpening job was so bad it felt woobly, blade felt like it was slipping out from under me on crossovers, etc... A real sharpening fixed that.

Have you tried getting them sharpened?

When I got new skates online (yeah, I know....) the sharpening job was so bad it felt woobly, blade felt like it was slipping out from under me on crossovers, etc... A real sharpening fixed that.

Have you tried getting them sharpened?

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even with the pro shop check, are you sure the blad eon the left isnt warped, or the holder mismounted? the wobbling feeling is a common sign, as I have had it in the past

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My son had a pair of youth vapor xxx's with one of the blades canted to one side. It affected his stride until it was repaired.

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When I got new skates online (yeah, I know....) the sharpening job was so bad it felt woobly, blade felt like it was slipping out from under me on crossovers, etc... A real sharpening fixed that.

I have had that exact issue, but it was a sharpening done by a LHS

resident after school sharpener. A knowledgable skate sharpening professional should be able to get you fixed, be it a correctly done profile/sharpening or a diagnosis of some physical issue with the skate.

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Just bought some new bauer supremes with the custom + holders. Well the left skate is perfectly fine but the right skate feels really really wobbly. I noticed that they had not been sharpened with a real deep hollow like i normally get. Had the pro shop guy check the hardware and it was all tight, so i don't know. I can't tell if the blades are bent or anything, proshop guy said it wasn't. I can pick my right foot up and glide on the left skate and it tracks totally straight, but the right one just wobbles back and forth, feels as if the skate is not tight at all.

Do i need a deeper hollow? Or take em back from where I got them.

Where did you get them?

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Bought them from the Players Bench in Richardson. Had a shop down here sharpen them correctly with a deeper hollow and they are fine now. Appreciate all the help.

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The blades come out of the box flat. You have to grind them to have a hollow. Sometimes the dorks doing it do not take enough passes and there is part of an edge missing somewhere along the blade. You can tell if you hold it up to the light and look for a uniform glint from the edges.

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I had warped holder that bent the blade and caused exact same problem. It make sense. The bent blade makes your skate turn to one side. As you turn your weight shifts to a different part of the blade that the turns to the other side. You shift weight again to adjust for a sudden change of direction. So it goes, back and forth. As you rock onto different parts of the blade, your blade turns you onto different direction.






That what I say, anyway.

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Bought them from the Players Bench in Richardson. Had a shop down here sharpen them correctly with a deeper hollow and they are fine now. Appreciate all the help.

Not a SINGLE person there knows how to sharpewn skates on a blackstone.At this point they are still learning. All of them were "trained" on a dupliskate. That is the beginning and the end of your problems.

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The blades come out of the box flat. You have to grind them to have a hollow. Sometimes the dorks doing it do not take enough passes and there is part of an edge missing somewhere along the blade. You can tell if you hold it up to the light and look for a uniform glint from the edges.

You hit it right on the nail. Most rush the first sharpening and don't get the hollow established on new steel. The wobbly symptom can usually be corrected with just a simple sharpening done correctly..

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Yeah I might buy from them again but I will take the skates elsewhere to be sharpened. Even this guys at the rink here in College Station know more about skates, and we are out in the boondocks. He basically sharpened them, I took a few passes, then he hit em again, and it took a third and final pass to get them perfect.

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A somewhat related question, but a bit off topic:

How many passes does it generally take to establish a hollow on a new set of blades?

I did a couple of sets of new steel for friends, and although I can see that the entire width of the blade has been cut by the wheel, I want to make sure that they'll have their edges. I performed a visual inspection of the hollow and edges (holding them up to the light) as I do with every skate I sharpen, and everything seemed ok. I did 6-7 passes on each piece of steel on a Dupliskate.

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Back in college I worked at a LHS (where I learned how to sharpen skates) and now I have my own machine i use at home (closest LHS is 175mi away and had no luck with the locals). I sharpen skates for my team and i also help coach my friend's son's team. Usually when I do a first sharp, I will set the hollow a little deeper than the final hollow and do about 5-10 passes depending on the quality of steel. After letting the steel "rest" for a while (at least an hour), I will set the hollow to the final setting and do another 5-10 passes. Basically what this does is grinds out the meat in the middle with the first set of passes and the gets the edges with the second set of passes. I have not had nay problems with this technique.

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