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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    First off, thanks for being patient. We are really close to opening the doors on this. I've had some questions on how we are going to format the reviews. We will be using Prosharp's methodology; what they do is have the skater rate each profile using their 1-5 rating, as posted below: The goal here is to get a balance between the 4 categories. You will fill the slots as you test the profile. So for instance, there's probably no way for you to get a 5 on mobility and a 5 on stability, but certainly you can get a healthy average between the two on the right profile. Profile 1 will be your control set. You will rate that first. If you know the profile, write it in. If the skates haven't been profiled, just write the model and put "stock" next to it. The tester will have their own topic, which they will start. You'll describe what you feel on each profile and then rate the 4 categories as you go along. I recommend doing it as soon as you get a good feel on them, and just making a post every time. Hopefully towards the end we will be able to determine how you got to your preferred profile. I do realize that there are times that people want a certain category over others. As in, you may feel that you may need more stability, so your focus is on that. Try not to think that way. Rate each profile on its own merit. You may find out that a healthy mix may be better than bleeding-edge.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    The only thing I'd say here is to take some time to seriously consider what you want to get out of this surgery. After the stitches are gone and all of the PT and rehab are over, what do you want your life to look like? What do you want to be able to DO? Is it enough to just live pain free with 'normal' activity? Or, do you really want to be able to play hockey? Run a marathon? Climb the Grand Teton? Go skiing? Figure out what you really want, then sit down and talk to your surgeon about what he believes he can deliver. Then, if you don't like what you hear from your current doc, find another one and talk to him/her about what YOU want. Put differently, if playing hockey is something you REALLY want to do after this surgery (and I can't imagine why you wouldn't...😉) don't blindly accept, "well, I'm not sure we'll be able to get you back on the rink after this..." without getting at least ONE second opinion...preferably from someone that has NO knowledge of your situation and is starting from scratch. It's your damn back and your damn life, after all. It's not the same, but my mom has dealt with progressively worsening back issues for years. As I write this, she's about 5 weeks out of her 4th back surgery and is finally standing up straight for the first time in years. Unfortunately for her, she didn't go into her first surgery with a clear idea of what she wanted out of it and wound up with a surgeon that was content to deliver 'good enough for occasional walks around the neighborhood', when my mom wanted 'I'd like to be able to kayak and snowmobile and roughhouse with my grandson.' 7 years, 3 surgeries, and a different doctor that knew how to ask the right questions later, we may finally be getting somewhere. Finally, best of luck to you. Back surgery can be awful...but it can also be effing life-changing!!!

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