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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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definitive tuuk holder information

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I have an older pair of Graf 705's that I absolutely love. These were the Swiss made version, which came with the Tuuk plus holders. The holders have the maple leaf on the back, and simply say "plus" on the front. It does not say custom or anything else anywhere on the holder. The holders are held on by 8 screws per skate, no rivets. The holders are black if it makes any difference, but I want white for the replacements.

I am in need to replacement holders/steel and would like to simply screw on a new set. Do the new lightspeed 2 and lightspeed edge have the same rivet pattern as my older tuuk plus holders? Does the older tuuk custom + holder have the same pattern? I want to make sure the patterns match and I can simply use the existing holes. Any help is greatly appreciated. I have searched for the old tuuk plus holders (not custom plus, just plus) everywhere I can think of to no avail.

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Tuuk + and Custom + are the same, but the Lightspeed holders have a different pattern.

Mission Pitch 3 (which can still be found on eBay and have great steel) and I believe the newish Easton CXN holders have the same fastener-hole pattern as the "+" holders.

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Tuuk + and Custom + are the same, but the Lightspeed holders have a different pattern.

Mission Pitch 3 (which can still be found on eBay and have great steel) and I believe the newish Easton CXN holders have the same fastener-hole pattern as the "+" holders.

So if I want to put Tuuk holders on Easton Mako skates (without needing to drill new holes), then I need to go with these?:


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I actually ended up getting a set of mission pitch 3 holders and runners for cheap so I figure they're worth giving a try. I will report back if they work well. It seems like I might need a lift/shim between the holder and boot to make them work from doing a little research. Anyone know where to find one online? Or how to make one? The custom plus holders and runners will be in the neighborhood of $100 and the Missions were less than half that.

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Does anyone know weight of Tuuk Lightspeed holder+LS4 runner combo?

I'm considering to use quick changeable holder and steel. Currently we have 2 choices for that, Tuuk Lightspeed holder and Quik Blade. I've been using Tuuk holders for long years, I'm liking it. But Bauer doesn't permit beeing used a LS patent by 3rd party makers so they can't make its replacement edges especially my favorite Step.

Other hand we can buy a Quik Blade's runner which made by Step. I've got an answering from a hockey shop that the weight of Quik Blade holder+compatible Step runner (size 296) is about 300g.

I want to make sure the weight of Lightspeed to consider between the 2 holders.

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